Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,80

Cara felt the stiffness in his arms and knew whatever their pronouncement, it was as important to him as to his siblings.

Whether they were being deliberately dramatic or not, the next few moments of silence dragged on endlessly.

Simon and Ella smiled at one another with love, then turned that gaze on each of their children, causing Cara a moment of discomfort. “I should go and let you all talk,” she said, suddenly feeling like an outsider who didn’t belong.

She started to rise, but Mike held on tight while Simon stepped forward. “Nonsense. If anyone has a right to hear this news along with the family, it’s you.” He smiled warmly at Cara and she drank in his words, relaxing back beside Mike on the sofa.

“Thank you,” she said softly.

“My pleasure.” He grinned, and Cara realized Simon looked happier than she’d seen him in a while; though he was still frail as a result of his treatments, there was a definite glint in his eye that she hadn’t noticed the last time she’d been here for dinner.

“Well, stop keeping us in suspense,” Sam said.

“He’s in remission!” Ella said, obviously unable to keep the news in any longer.

The next few minutes were a blur of happy hugs, kisses, and tears of joy as they celebrated the news. Cara gladly participated, knowing the family’s relief as well as her own. Simon was a wonderful man, dedicated not just to the family who adored him but to the town he loved. He’d been police chief of Serendipity for as long as Cara could remember, and before his illness, he’d been a great boss…

Her thoughts trailed off as the reality of the good news set in. Simon’s remission meant he’d be ready to resume the reins at the station again soon. Simon would come back to work, and Mike would step down. He’d be out of a job in Serendipity. Nothing compelling would keep him here, and he’d return to his solitary apartment in Manhattan, his undercover work, and his women. Like Lauren.

The ache in her chest hurt so badly she couldn’t breathe, making her wonder if this was what a heart attack felt like. While the family talked, Cara picked up Kojak again, finding comfort in the dog’s soft fur, and she buried her face in his fluffy body. If she were going to survive Mike’s leaving, maybe she’d have to get a dog after all.

What kind of person was she that she’d turn a wonderful celebration of life into a memorial? She ought to be ashamed, Cara thought. She swallowed the pain in her throat and promised that she’d pull herself together. As long as she was in this house, she’d smile and be happy. She’d save the wallowing for when she was alone.

A status that was coming soon enough.

“Hey,” Mike said, sitting back down beside her, concerned by the pained, fragile look on her face. “You okay?” First Cara had tried to bolt before his parents’ news, and now she’d all but withdrawn into herself.

She nodded, her eyes watery. “It’s such great news. Overwhelming, actually.”

“Unexpected, too. I had no idea he was going for a scan or anything.”

“I’m sure they didn’t want to either worry you unnecessarily or get your hopes up just in case things were status quo.”

He nodded, grasping her free hand that wasn’t holding the dog. “I’m glad you’re here to share the celebration.” He grinned at her, beyond thrilled that his father had beaten the damned disease.

She smiled back. Oddly, it didn’t reach her eyes.

He wanted to pull her out and find out exactly what was wrong, but Ella announced coffee and cake, Sam whooped in happiness, and he knew they couldn’t escape yet.

“I can always count on my youngest boy and his stomach,” his mother said, laughing.

“Even I’m hungry for some of your mom’s chocolate cake,” Simon announced.

Mike slid his hand into Cara’s. She scooted the dog off her lap and they headed for the kitchen, but he had the distinct sense something was off. He just had no time to ask what was going on in her head. Over dessert, the celebration continued with family jokes and fun toasts to Simon, despite that fact that the only drinks on the table were coffee cups.

Sam cleared his throat and looked at Simon. “Here’s to your shoving my big brother out of your office and reclaiming your rightful place as chief.”

No sooner had Sam raised his glass than Mike realized exactly what was bothering Cara. He was startled Copyright 2016 - 2024