Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,71

false imprisonment of a police officer to tonight’s charges.”

Sirens broke the charged atmosphere, the sound growing increasingly louder. Bev, Cara realized, must have called the police.

Panic flickered in Bob’s eyes, and before Cara could register his intent, he grabbed Daniella by the hair and yanked her out of the booth. Cara jumped up and trained her gun on Bob, who’d wrapped one beefy arm around Daniella’s neck. Her face turned red and she grabbed at Bob’s arm, attempting to pry his grip away from her airway.

“Let her go,” Cara said calmly.

“Go to hell. She’s mine,” he said, his eyes wild.

“She’s her own person, Bob. Release her now, okay?”

From the corner of her eye, Cara realized Sam had quietly come in from the back entrance, with his partner, a rookie named Ted, alongside him. Thankfully Bob hadn’t seen them enter. No doubt he’d freak out even more once he did. But he hadn’t drawn a weapon and Cara didn’t know if he had one on him. All she could do was hope that Sam could easily take him from behind.

“Bob, if you love Daniella, you don’t want to hurt her. That puts us on the same side. Let’s end this now.” Cara imperceptibly nodded at Sam.

He stepped up behind the man, jamming his gun into Bob’s side. “It’s over,” Sam said, nudging Bob with his weapon.

That quickly it was over. Without warning, the big man released Daniella and dropped to his knees, blubbering like a baby.

Cara pulled the girl away from Bob, whom Sam easily subdued.

“I’d never hurt you, Dani, you gotta know that,” Bob said as Sam cuffed his hands behind his back and proceeded to read him his Miranda rights.

Bev wrapped an arm around Daniella, comforting her as a mother would a child. Cara exhaled long and hard, pleased that this had ended so quickly and easily.

“Thanks for calling the police,” Cara said to Bev. “That was a smart move.”

Bev, a gray-haired, stout woman, merely shrugged. “Seemed like common sense. He shows up here every day at different times, watching Daniella, making threats. I’ve seen his type before.” She frowned and patted Daniella’s back.

“I’m sorry,” Daniella murmured.

Cara shook her head and smiled. “No apologizing for someone else’s behavior, remember?”

Daniella nodded.

“I’m going to need you both to come down to the station and give your statement. Will you press charges? And file for a restraining order?” Cara asked Daniella. “I’ll be right there with you.”

Daniella nodded.

Cara was under no illusion that this arrest or an order of protection would end Bob’s abuse, but it would document it and maybe act as some sort of deterrent.

“I’m proud of you,” Cara told Daniella, squeezing her hand.

“I need to call my son—he’s the owner. He’ll come in so I can come down to the station,” Bev said.

Cara inclined her head. “Good. I can drive Daniella now and you can meet us. Let me go see what’s going on. I’ll be right back.”

Cara walked over to Sam, who was about to escort Bob out to the squad car. He handed the now-calm man over to Ted. “I’ll meet you at the car.”

With a nod, Ted prodded Bob and they headed out the door. “Dani, I’m sorry,” he called out.

She turned away without answering.

Cara shook her head in disgust. “Daniella said she’d press charges.”

“That’s good,” Sam said.

“I can drive her over now. The manager needs to lock up and she’ll meet us at the station so we can all make a formal statement,” Cara concluded, since she was off duty when the incident occurred.

“She okay?” Sam tipped his head in Daniella’s direction.

Cara nodded. “She is. I just hope she stays that way.” She’d seen too many women, her own mother included, back down and change their minds once faced with the reality of testifying and pressing charges.

“And you? Okay?” Sam eyed her critically, as he always did after any kind of incident.

“Just another day at the office,” she said with a grin.

Sam shook his head. “Smart-ass,” he muttered. “See you at the station.”

Cara spent the rest of the night filling out forms and making sure Daniella was settled. Bev insisted that Daniella go home with her, and Daniella agreed. As long as she was somewhere she felt safe, there was no risk of her returning to the apartment she shared with Bob. For now, the bastard was in jail, but after his arraignment in the morning, he might get out on bail. And Daniella would have to make some smart and hopefully permanent decisions.

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