Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,68

the Bellagio, to the most intimate dinner she’d ever experienced, to the light show, where Mike had encircled her in his arms and held her while they watched, Cara was falling hard.

“Your man sounds yummy. Are you sure we’re talking about Mike Marsden?” Alexa asked on a laugh, as she drew a sip of her black coffee.

Cara winced at the way her friend drank to keep herself awake and downed her own heavily sugared latte. “I’m sure. When he’s hot, there’s nobody sweeter.”

“But?” Alexa prodded, waiting for Cara to pull her thoughts together and answer.

Which wasn’t easy. The but was the whole reason she was here with her friend. Cara was falling hard, and it had to stop. Her runaway feelings were getting out of hand, and she needed a reminder that anything more than a hot affair with Mike would burn out fast. And she needed to hear it from another woman, not from Sam.

Cara swallowed hard. “But when he’s cold…Brrr.”

Alexa narrowed her gaze. “So he’s not Mr. Perfect.”

Cara shook her head.

“Good. Who is?” Alexa grinned. “Glad to know he’s as human as the rest of us.”

Cara sighed. “Listen, we talked about this a few weeks ago at Joe’s. I know who and what Mike is.”

Alexa tipped her head and eyed Cara with those appraising, smart eyes. “And you love him for it.”

Cara blinked, stunned at her friend’s words. “No. No, of course not.” She couldn’t be in love. “I told you I’d only love a man who I can trust with my whole heart. I need security and predictability. Not someone who blows hot and cold, or who’s reminded me more than once he’s not interested in anything permanent.” Her heart squeezed at the reminder, but that was what she wanted out of this talk. The brutal truth said out loud. “I need to know what to expect from a man, and when.”

Alexis shook her head and put her empty cup down. “Not every man is your father.”

Cara’s stomach cramped. So maybe she wasn’t looking for anything quite that brutal. Still, Alexa had a valid point. “True. And I’m not saying Mike’s anything like my dad. He wouldn’t hurt me—or anyone—that way, but I don’t have to wonder if Mike’s the guy I can entrust my heart to because he doesn’t want it.” She rose and tossed her cup in the trash. “I’m so glad we had this talk!”

“Cara Hartley, sit yourself down!”

Cara stared at her normally quiet, sedate doctor friend. So did everyone else in the small café. In order to avoid making a scene, she lowered herself back into the chair. “Who are you and what have you done with my friend Alexa?”

“I am your friend, and as such, I’m here to tell you to get your head out of your ass,” she said, much more quietly this time. “Mike took you with him to Vegas to meet the man who abandoned him for the first time. And you don’t think he’s someone you can trust your heart to?” Alexa held up a hand. “And I don’t want to hear about some relationship he had when he was pretty much still a kid himself.”

“I don’t need his past as proof. He told me so himself! His exact words were, no hearts involved!”

Alexa frowned. “In the beginning, maybe. But now you’re the one keeping yours sealed shut.”

“That’s right, and it’s called self-preservation, thank you very much. And now I have to go to Havensbridge. I’m hoping someone heard from Daniella.”

“Still nothing?” Alexa asked, concerned

“No.” Cara drew a deep breath. “Listen, I appreciate that you’re looking out for me, but I knew what I was getting into with Mike. And I asked you to meet me today because…maybe I am falling for him a little bit and I needed the reminder of why that’s a bad idea.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you.” Alexa shook her head. “I guess I need to believe someone can find the right guy.”

Personally, Cara thought Alexa could find that man if she stopped working so hard and let herself look around. But she knew better than to have the old argument.

“That’s okay,” Cara said instead. “I gave it to myself.”

Alexa rose, walked to Cara, and gave her a hug. “I just want you to be happy, and honestly? Being with Mike makes you happier than I’ve ever seen you.”

Too bad it couldn’t last. But Cara didn’t say that.

“Are you free for dinner tonight?” Alexa asked. “I have a rare free evening. Copyright 2016 - 2024