Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,64

what Simon had done, focusing instead on what this man hadn’t. At the moment, Mike resented the hell out of having had to track him down.

He’d had enough and rose from his seat. “This was a waste of time. Come on,” he said to Cara.

She dutifully rose from her chair, and Mike knew she was doing what he asked in order to make this as easy as possible on him. He appreciated it more than he could express.

To Mike’s surprise, Rex stood as well. “You might not believe this, but it was good to meet you.”

“The feeling isn’t mutual,” Mike muttered.

A flash of pain flickered in eyes similar to Mike’s own before Rex masked it. “Glad you brought your lady. She’s a fine-looking woman. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll never turn my back on the people who mean the most to me.”

He grasped Cara’s hand and walked away without looking back.

Cara felt Mike’s tension and anger vibrating through him and didn’t know how to ease it. She wasn’t even sure he’d want her to. They returned to the hotel in silence, and she waited until they were alone in the suite.

He stalked over to the bar and poured himself a drink, downing it in one gulp.


He shook his head. “Not now.”

He was shutting her out. She couldn’t say it didn’t hurt, but she understood. She’d wanted to make the overture and she had, but whether he wanted to talk was up to him. And he clearly did not.

She opened a drawer, pulled out the nightgown she’d brought with her, and walked into the bathroom. After being in the smoky bar, she needed to feel clean before getting into bed.

She stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the luxurious shower. It took her more than a few tries to understand which knobs turned on the overhead spray, but once she managed, the water cascaded down her back, warming her up—at least from the outside. Inside she was cold from Mike’s rejection. No matter how much she got it, she’d made this trip to help him. Once he’d accepted her offer, she hadn’t expected him to turn her away.

As she lathered up with the soap provided by the hotel, which smelled fruity and delicious, she thought about the short meeting with Rex Bransom. The man was more self-contained than Mike. Other than his initial startled surprise at seeing Mike, he hadn’t slipped, hadn’t given anything away. And when he didn’t want to answer, he used Mike’s weak spot—the word son—poking at the open wound. No question, the man was a bastard. Her heart broke for Mike, who she was sure was as hurt as he was confused.

She tilted her head up toward the hot water, rinsing the shampoo out of her hair, the spray washing over her like rain. It felt so good, she wondered if she could install this kind of shower in her condo. She laughed at the silly thought.

She heard the creak, and then Mike’s hands gripped her forearms as he pressed his body against hers, his erection solid at her back.

“Forgive me?” he asked, nuzzling his face into her neck.

She sighed, her body softening along with her heart. “There’s nothing to forgive. You needed space.”

“And you always give me what I need. Even if I don’t know what that is myself.” His gruff voice rumbled in her ear.

He hadn’t wanted to talk, but he was obviously happy to forget his troubles inside her body. And she didn’t mind. Sex was what they did best together, was what she could count on from him.

He slid his finger through her slick heat, moisture easing the way for an easy glide. Desire rippled through her and she arched into his hand.

“You’re so wet for me, baby.”

She moaned only to have him stiffen behind her. “Fuck. I can’t believe I call you that. I’ve been calling you that. Hell, I tried to convince you it was okay. Then he said it and it sounded so damned demeaning.” His arms were still wrapped tight around her.

Cara sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. “From Rex to her? It was demeaning. God, Mike, she was all of twenty-one—and that’s if she was even legal! He didn’t care about her. He liked the attention, the idea of a young woman who idolized him and hung on his every word. We both know that’s not how I see you.”

That got a laugh. “No, you don’t automatically do anything I say.”

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