Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,53

voice gruff and a lot warmer than when he’d walked in.

She wasn’t ready, but he turned her to face him. “I, of all people, know what it’s like to not want to be like my father. I was pissed at everything, and I overreacted. Took it out on you because I couldn’t have it out with Rex.” His half-grin disarmed her own anger and hurt.

She sighed. “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t.”

“I get that now.”

And Mike did. Talk about blindsided. All his righteous anger dissolved in the face of her admission. This woman had the ability to twist him in knots, making him feel things completely foreign to him. They had more in common than he realized, wanting not just distance from a parent they despised but proof they were nothing like them.

He ran a hand through his hair. “Should we go?” he asked, eager to put the discussion behind them. No good could come of talking about it anymore.

She eyed him warily. “That’s it?”

“Do I look like the type to hold a grudge?”

She burst out laughing. “Yeah, as a matter of fact, you do.”

He rolled his eyes, knowing the tension had broken. “Let’s go, okay?”

She inclined her head. “Okay.” She seemed happy to let it go too and reached for her bag.

With his anger gone, he exhaled long and hard, finally getting a real look at the enticing female he’d picked up for a date. Her long, dark hair, normally pulled back in a ponytail, fell over her shoulders; bangs skimmed her forehead; and she’d put on more makeup than he was used to seeing on her. The effect, combined with the sexy outfit she’d chosen, blew his mind.

This wasn’t Cara the cop. It wasn’t Cara who filled out a pair of jeans and looked damned good in a worn T-shirt. This was a sexy siren who’d dressed with him in mind, and he’d shown up here blasting her for hiding things from him instead of admiring her.

“I’m an ass.”

“You said it, not me.” Her lips twitched in amusement.

“I’m sure you thought it,” he muttered. “You look beautiful.”

She blinked, obviously startled, before smiling widely. “Thank you.”

“It’s what I should have said from the beginning. Can we start over?” he asked, extending his arm for her to take.

He knew they’d have to discuss the case sooner or later, just as he’d have to decide what to do about looking up his old man. But those weren’t things he needed to dwell on now.

She nodded slowly and licked her glossed lips. “I’d like that.”

That easily, they were back to normal, leaving Mike to marvel yet again how different Cara was from other women he’d been with who chose arguments for the sake of arguing. Tiffany especially had liked tantrums in order to get something she wanted out of him. No woman he’d known had just simply stated her feelings instead of keeping them inside until they boiled over. Cara made it a habit. There was no guessing where he stood with her, and he liked it.

Twenty minutes later, they’d pulled into the driveway at the house on the hill. Cara, eyes wide, marveled at the twinkling lights coming from on high and the large mansion rising in front of them.

“It’s a town landmark, but I never get used to seeing it,” she said in awe.

He knew what she meant. He and Cara came from working-class families, and though Mike grew up in a nice house in a decent neighborhood, their four-bedroom home could probably fit in the pool behind the mansion.

“It is something,” he agreed.

They parked and walked to the door, and Mike rang the bell. A few seconds later, the door swung wide and a teenage girl stood before them.

“Hey, Tess,” Cara said to the girl.

“Ooh, you got yourself a hot one,” the teenager said, glancing at Mike.

“I most certainly do.” Cara winked at her, shocking Mike completely.

He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

“Mike, this is Ethan, Dare and Nash’s smart-mouthed sister, Tess. Tess, Mike Marsden. The police chief,” Cara said, emphasizing his job description.

“Oh. Shit.” This time Tess grew silent, and Cara burst out laughing.

“Are you going to invite us in or let us freeze to death out here?” Cara asked.

“Come on in,” the teenager said grudgingly.

“Gee, thanks.” Cara’s light laughter washed over him.

Tess stepped back, and Mike noticed she was wearing a fitted top over jeans, her clothes too tight to be comfortable, but a typical teenager outfit from what he’d seen Copyright 2016 - 2024