Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,42

good.” She smiled. “What about you, Alexa?”

She stirred the straw in her drink. “All work, no play,” she said.

“I figured that. The question is why?” Liza asked.

Cara studied her pretty friend. Though Alexa had gone out of state to med school, she’d returned home to Serendipity, and though she occasionally dated, she’d never been seriously involved. At least not that Cara knew of. She worked part time for her father, also a doctor, and put in many more hours at the ER. Her looks weren’t the issue; with her auburn hair and green eyes, men were definitely attracted. She had brains and an amazing personality. But Alexa kept men at a distance and always put her work first.

“I just haven’t met the right guy.” She shrugged like it was a simple answer.

Cara suspected there was something more.

“Well, take it from me and now Cara. You never know when the right guy will come along,” Liza said with a grin.

“Oh, no. Mike’s not the right guy. Not that way.” Cara shook her head, realizing that was stupid when the room grew fuzzy.

“What do you mean?” Liza asked.

“He’s not permanent. Not like Dare,” Cara whispered. “He’s here for as long as his dad is out of commission. He’s got an apartment in Manhattan to return to, and he’s made it clear he isn’t into long relationships.”

No hearts involved, he’d said, and Cara wouldn’t forget it.

“But you never know, right?” Liza asked hopefully.

“Don’t you remember Tiffany Marks?” Cara spoke softly. “The minute she got serious, he left town. Normal people break up. He took off the minute she hinted at an engagement. And everyone thought they’d end up together.”

“Maybe that was all Tiffany’s doing,” Liza said. “I don’t remember hearing that it was Mike looking at churches and reception halls.”

“And she didn’t have a ring on her finger, so maybe it was all in her head?” Alexa suggested.

Cara shook her head. “He left town. Went to Atlantic City. Settled in Manhattan. Still has an apartment there. So I know what I’m talking about.” Cara exhaled a long breath. “And I can’t let myself think any other way unless I want my heart seriously broken.”

“But—” Liza started to speak, but Alexa shot her a warning look even Cara couldn’t miss.

“Okay, I’ll let it go,” Liza muttered. “I just want you to be as happy as I am. So take note. The man can’t take his eyes off you,” she said, obviously unable to heed her own words.

Cara’s entire body heated up at her friend’s statement. She turned her head and yep, she caught Mike watching her, a sizzling look in his eyes she could not mistake. He held her gaze, a mesmerizing smile lifting his lips.

“That was even hotter,” Alexa said, following her pronouncement by lifting her glass. “Well, darn. Empty.”

“I’ve got the next round,” Cara said, even though she didn’t want another one herself.

She rose from her seat before either friend could argue and made her way through the crowd to the bar. Despite its being busy, Joe refilled her order quickly and placed the drinks on the counter.

Before Cara could turn, Sam came up behind her. “Hey.”

“Hey.” He wedged in beside her. “We’re friends, right?”

Cara bit the inside of her cheek. She thought she knew where this private conversation was going, and she didn’t want to get into it. “Of course we are.”

“And you trust me.”

She nodded.

“Then tell me you know what you’re doing.”

She swallowed hard. “Mike’s your brother.”

“Yeah, he is. And I know him better than anyone.”

“Which is why I can’t talk to you about this.” She picked up the two glasses, but Sam boxed her in, not letting her pass. “I care about you, Cara, and as much as I love my brother, I know him. He won’t hurt you on purpose, but—”

“I know.” Cara met Sam’s gaze and tried to reassure him even though her stomach was twisting at both his words and the reality. “He hasn’t made any promises, okay? I’m in this with my eyes wide open.”

“Getting into my business?” Mike asked, coming up behind Sam.

Uh-oh. “No, everything’s fine. Sam came to help me carry drinks back to the table.” Cara, not wanting to cause conflict between the brothers, shoved one glass at Sam. “Right?”

“Right,” he muttered, and took the second drink from Cara as well.

Mike stepped aside to let Sam pass, eyeing him warily the entire time. “I heard the tail end of the conversation and he wasn’t here to help with drinks.”

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