Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,40

long? Who is nothing like either of those loving, giving people?”

God. She’d never have thought the overly confident Michael Marsden had insecurities that ran deep. Or that he’d admit to them.

“You’re very much like those loving people, Mike. And just because you can’t be the steadying permanent force they are, you give in your own way. Simon is sick and you’re here, for as long as he needs you to be, taking over his job, making sure things run smoothly until he returns. Would your so-called real father have done that?” she asked. And she’d continue to defend him to himself until he believed it as much as she did.

He burst out laughing, and that easily, the darkness was gone. “And that’s why you’re more than some damn itch,” he said, his sexy, chocolate-colored gaze meeting hers.

Her stomach curled sweetly at the compliment, and she just smiled in return. “Glad to help.”

“By the way, that was Faith Harrington on the phone earlier,” he said, completely changing the subject. “I ran into Ethan this afternoon and they asked me to come to the house for a cocktail Saturday night and then we’ll go out for dinner. Come with me?”

“What?” she breathed out, certain she’d heard him wrong.

“You and me, going with Ethan and Faith for dinner. You know Ethan, Dare’s brother?”

Cara nodded. She also knew Faith. Sort of. Although close in age, Cara and Faith hadn’t run in the same high school crowd, Faith being one of the rich girls.

“You look nervous.”

Cara lifted her chin. “It’s just a lot to think about. And handle,” she admitted.

“They’re good people,” Mike assured her. “Faith is nothing like her parents.”

Everyone in town knew the story of the Harringtons, the former owners of the house on the hill. The richest, smuggest, most arrogant people in Serendipity had fallen hard and fast when Martin Harrington had been convicted of running a massive Ponzi scheme that ruined many people’s lives. Ethan had bought the house at auction when he’d returned a few years ago; reconciled with his estranged brothers after a long, difficult journey; and married Faith Harrington.

“Dare adores his sister-in-law,” Cara said. “And I like what I’ve seen of her.” Especially how she protected Tess as if the teen were her own sister. “But…”

“What?” Mike leaned closer.

She supposed she’d have to broach the crux of the issue, no matter how uncomfortable it made her. “Are you ready to go out in public together?” They hadn’t discussed this before, and she was shocked he was suggesting it now.

“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate. “Are you?”

Was she? Going public wasn’t a work issue. She’d already decided the guys here knew her well enough not to assume she was after special favors. And everyone knew Mike’s position here in Serendipity was temporary—he’d pretty much reinforced that five minutes ago when he’d compared himself to his father. She was just scared that the more public the relationship, the harder the fall when he left.

“Cara?” Mike’s voice brought her out of her thoughts. “I’m here and I’m willing to push out of my comfort zone with you. Are you willing to do the same?” He eyed her warily, and she knew this was important to him.

Between his admission about his father and the fact that he was making an effort, she could do no less. “I’ll go with you,” she said, before she could back out.

He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to her lips before easing back, a genuinely pleased smile on his face. “Good. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Okay,” she said.

Except she didn’t have anything to wear to the house on the hill, and that was trivial compared to her real worry. Once they went out together in Serendipity, she’d have memories of him everywhere in town long after he was gone.

If there was ever a time to let loose and have fun, tonight was it. Cara was off for the next two days, she’d visited Daniella and the women at Havensbridge and everything was calm, no talk of changing minds or calling abusive exes, and on a personal note, she wanted to forget she had a public date with Mike on Saturday night.

Tonight was Eighties Night at Joe’s, and Cara had plans to meet Sam and Alexa for drinks. Alexa had invited Dare and his wife, Liza, and they all grabbed a table; the two guys sat side by side, as did the women, so they could talk.

Cara had gotten to know Liza when she was having some Copyright 2016 - 2024