Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,3

and so cold and forbidding now. “And if you’ll notice, I’m not in uniform. Your brother and I were out for a ride. It’s a gorgeous day,” she said, hating the evasion that fell from her lips.

“Ease up,” Erin said, punching Mike in the arm. “She’s not on duty and she’s as worried about Sam as we are. And lay off the formalities. Cara’s like family.”

Cara and Erin were the same age, and though they hadn’t been best friends in school, they’d been in the same general group of girls, while Sam, a year older, had been a friend; it wasn’t until they both joined the force together that their friendship solidified and Cara became more a part of the Marsdens’ inner circle. By then, Mike had been long gone.

Erin pulled Cara into an embrace. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Cara managed a nod and hugged Erin back. “It was scary,” she said, allowing herself to admit her fear for the first time. She stepped away from Erin. Suddenly cold, she wished she were wearing a heavier jacket.

“You’re shaking.” Erin said, breaking into her thoughts. “And your cheek is bruised.”

“Air bag,” Cara said softly.

“Were you checked out?” Mike asked, his tone deep and gravelly, sending shivers through her that had nothing to do with the earlier accident.

“The paramedics cleared me at the scene. It’s just a delayed reaction, I guess.”

Mike’s frown deepened. “Let’s sit.” Without waiting for her to agree, he grasped her elbow and led her to a chair.

Because Cara’s legs were truly unsteady, she let him have his way. Erin picked a chair across the aisle, while Mike chose a spot beside Cara. He sat next to her, so close the musky scent of his aftershave warmed her in ways she couldn’t think about now.

“What happened?” Erin asked softly.

In a weird way it was a relief to go back to the accident and share the experience. “Sam was driving. He was fine one minute, and the next he doubled over in pain. I reached for the wheel, but I had no leverage and the car hit a tree.”

She blew out a stream of air and steadied herself before continuing. “My air bag deployed. His didn’t. Sam’s head hit the steering wheel”—she winced as she recalled the awful sound—“and his side of the car took the brunt of the impact. I was able to call for an ambulance and here we are.” She clenched her fists until her nails bit into her flesh.

“Easy,” Mike said as his big, strong hand covered hers and he gently pried her fingernails away from her skin.

Her entire body reacted to his touch, awareness jolting through her like a sudden burst of electricity. Startled, she met his gaze and in that moment she knew he was as stunned as she.

Until he jerked his hand back and rose to his feet. “Where is a damned doctor with some news?”

Erin rose and put a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll hear something soon.” No sooner had she spoken than a familiar voice called out Cara’s name.

“Alexa!” Relieved, Cara jumped up and turned to Dr. Alexa Collins, a beautiful woman with auburn hair now pulled back in a bun. She was not only one of Cara’s closest friends but the doctor on call.

“How is he?” Sam’s siblings asked at the same time.

“He’s stable. He had an appendicitis attack while he was driving.” She glanced at Cara. “Did he mention any pain during the day?”

She thought back and shook her head.

Alexa frowned. “Then he must have covered and ignored it. Appendicitis pain typically increases over a period of time. Stubborn man,” she muttered, knowing Sam as well as Cara did. “Okay, well, he’s in surgery to take care of the appendix, and barring any complications he should be fine. He’s also got a concussion from impact with the steering wheel, but again, barring complications, nothing life threatening.” She smiled at Erin, Michael, and Cara to put them at ease. “I’m going to go back in. As soon as he’s in recovery, I’ll let you know. You can see him later.”

“Thank you,” Erin breathed out in relief. “I’ll go let Mom and Dad know.” She rushed outside, probably to a place she could use her cell phone.

“Thanks, Alexa,” Cara said.

The other woman smiled. “I can honestly say it’s my pleasure. It’ll also be my pleasure to kick his ass for ignoring pain. And trust me, he had to have felt something earlier.”

“I’ll help you,” Mike muttered. “Thanks for everything.”

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