Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,26

system’s so good that we have discrepancies and issues dating back years,” Mike said.

“Can you pass the green beans, Cara?” Simon asked her, obviously changing the subject.

Beside her she felt Mike stiffen, obviously annoyed at his father’s stubborn, old-fashioned ways.

“Sure,” Cara said, lifting the serving dish and handing it to Simon.

They ate in silence for a few minutes, until Erin chimed in. “Did you know Mom’s on Twitter?” she asked, obviously still thinking about their technology conversation. “And Facebook.”

Cara gripped her fork tighter.

Mike chuckled.

Sam burst out laughing. “Really? Mom, come on.”

“What? I think it’s good for her to learn computers and keep up with technology.” Erin defended her mother.

Cara didn’t dare sneak a glance at Ella, afraid Mike would catch her concern.

Forging on as if nothing was wrong seemed like the best bet, Cara decided. “I have a Facebook page. It’s fun.”

“I agree,” Erin said. “When you live in a small town, so many people stick around, you think you see them all the time. But sometimes you’ll hear from someone from your past and end up taking a trip down memory lane.” Her voice grew soft, making Cara wonder just whom Erin had heard from on the social network.

This time Cara did glance at Ella, who’d gone pale.

“I know what you mean,” Cara said, determined to keep conversation away from Ella. “I like catching up with old friends and finding out what’s going on in their lives.”

“Did you find any old boyfriends?” Sam asked her. “Like Adam Stone or Kevin Manning?”

Cara wrinkled her nose and shot him an annoyed look. Why did he need to go there? “Maybe they found me.”

“Did they?” Mike asked, his voice suddenly dark and dangerous.

A shiver raced through her at the sound.

“Well?” he bit out when she didn’t answer right away.

She tried to figure out the emotion behind his tone. Jealousy? Was it possible? If so, she no longer minded Sam’s bringing up her past, if it meant Mike showed some interesting emotion.

“Let’s see. Kevin dropped me a private note, and Adam posted on my wall,” Cara said.

A low rumble sounded from Mike’s throat.

“Did either of them ever marry? Or are they still pining over you?” Sam asked, chuckling as if the idea were absurd.

“Hey! I’m pineworthy.”

Sam grinned. “Didn’t say you weren’t. So anyone else hear from an old flame?” he continued, clearly in a mood to cause trouble.

“Do we really need all this talk about old flames?” Ella asked, her voice rising in distress.

Oh damn, Cara thought as all of Ella’s children shot her a worried look.

Simon seemed out of it, lost in his own thoughts, or exhausted and not paying attention.

“Mom?” Sam asked, clearly concerned.

“Are you okay?” Mike leaned forward, as if he could reach his mother across the table.

Ella rose from her seat. “I’m fine. If everyone’s finished I’ll start cleaning up. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get dessert on the table.” She gathered a few plates and rushed out of the room.

“Now that was odd,” Erin said.

“I’ll say,” Mike muttered.

Sam nodded.

“Umm, I’ll help clean up,” Cara said, wanting to check on Ella.

“That’s okay. I’ve got it.” Erin rose to her feet. “You’re our guest. I’ll try and talk to Mom, see if she’s okay.”

There was no way Cara could object to Erin’s being alone with her mother without causing more curiosity. “Yell if you need me?”

“Thanks,” Erin said.

Sam turned to his father. “Dad, let’s go watch some television.” He helped his father stand up from the chair, and the two men left the room.

Cara turned to Mike, assuming he’d be worried about his mom. Instead she was surprised to find him staring at her with his usual intensity.

Gone was the lighthearted man who joked with his sister, and the predatory look in his eyes made Cara so hot she squirmed in her seat.

“What?” she asked into the silence.

“Let’s go.”


“Somewhere we can be alone for a few minutes.” He held out his hand to her.

No way could she refuse.

She placed her palm against his. He gripped her hand and led her down a short hall to what must be his old bedroom. No sooner had she entered than he shut the door, turned, picked Cara up, and bounced her onto his bed.

“Now tell me about those old boyfriends.”

From his position above her, Mike stared into Cara’s wide eyes and waited for an answer, his heart beating too rapidly in his chest.

“Are you going to tell me about old girlfriends?” she shot back.

Spunk. She had it in spades. He liked Copyright 2016 - 2024