Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,17

he wanted in his arms. Again.

He wondered what she’d say to picking up where they’d left off. A no-strings affair, one with a definite ending when he left town. But Cara knew that about him already. She’d said as much herself, and though her jab about knowing not to expect much from him grated, it was the truth.

The one thing he didn’t question was his sudden turnaround. It was as clear as his need for her and his admission that for now, no one else would do.

Cara had lost her mind. There was no other explanation for the fact that in Mike’s arms, she’d found peace from her thoughts, or that she wasn’t running from the heavy desire pulsing through her body.

Mike’s large hand splayed against the thick fabric of her shirt, hot against her back. With a grateful sigh, she leaned her head against his chest and listened to the rapid beating of his heart.

His fingertips dipped slightly lower, into the top band of her jeans, and pressed her lower body against his. She couldn’t miss the hard length of his erection or the silent question. Yes, her breasts were heavy, dampness settled between her thighs, and she wanted him more than her next breath. But how could she go there again and walk away whole?

But maybe a better question was, how could she walk away now?

“Cara?” he asked, his voice a gruff, low rumble.

She tipped her head back and met his gaze. “Yes.” She knew exactly what she was saying.

His impossibly brown eyes darkened even more. “Are you sure?”

She nodded.

He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Go up the back and I’ll meet you outside my apartment in a few minutes.”

Leave separately, she thought. This time he was paying more attention to propriety, which was so un-Mike-like.

“Okay,” she said, and slid out of his arms. Anticipation swept over her and she savored the feeling, heading for the restrooms first.

She paused by the mirror, surprised by the flush in her cheeks and the glassy eyes looking back at her. She hoped nobody else noticed what a fevered state she’d been in, or sneaking out back wouldn’t mean much at all.

When she hit the fresh air, it was cold outside, and she’d left her jacket and purse in the Jeep, so Cara was glad Mike caught up with her almost as soon as she reached his place.

He unlocked the door, then slid his hand into hers and pulled her inside.

A glance around at the sparse apartment gave her a stark reminder of his constant state of impermanence. The man didn’t need a home base. Just a bed in which to sleep. She’d do well to remember that, and the knowledge helped shore up her defenses, which had slipped while he held her so tightly on the dance floor.

He tossed the keys onto a small table. “I’m glad you didn’t say no.”

She swallowed hard. “We were good together.” He made her feel more than any man ever had. And today, Daniella’s situation had reminded her that what she and Mike had was rare. Great sex and an open, honest understanding of their situation.

“We were combustible,” he said.

Even his voice was arousing, but somehow she managed to keep her wits about her. “I just expect one thing,” she said, forcing herself to turn and face him. “It’s a deal breaker.”

He folded his arms across his chest. “What is it?” he asked, clearly wary.

The poor man was worried she wanted commitment. She actually felt sorry for him. His unwillingness to open himself up to anyone meant he’d miss out on so much in life. She wondered why, coming from such a warm loving family, Mike ran from the same. Cara’s parents’ marriage was far from ideal, yet she refused to give up on the idea that maybe there was a man out there she could trust.

She doubted it, but she refused to let go of that kernel of hope. Mike had already given it up. But now wasn’t the time to go there.

She stepped closer, her hands on the top of her blouse. She slipped one button out of the loop, then worked on another. “I just want you to promise me that things between us won’t be awkward tomorrow. That you won’t go back to defensive mode and treat me like…”

She was going to say dirt, but she realized that hadn’t been his intent. “Like you’re afraid I’m going to ask for forever.”

He actually paled. “You think you know me that Copyright 2016 - 2024