Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,104

her seat, but Mike didn’t move to touch her, for which she was grateful. A simple stroke of his hand and she’d break down.

She was proud of how well she was holding herself together and hoped she wouldn’t have to do it for much longer. “So what now? We’re friends?” she asked, wincing at the sound of her own voice.

He was right, she did sound like Kermit. What a way to have this final conversation, Cara thought. Well, at least it would be memorable for him.

Mike stared into her eyes for so long, she didn’t know what to think or feel.

Finally he answered her. “Yeah, we’re friends.”

Her stomach plummeted at his agreement. Even though he’d told her he needed time to think, Cara hadn’t believed him. She’d known then he was ending things. He’d left her just as he’d said he would, and she choked back a cry at the painful recollection.

“Hey.” He slid his hand from the seat to the back of her neck and gently pulled her close. “We’re friends and so much more.” He drew a shuddering breath. “I love you, baby,” he said in that husky tone she’d dreamed about since he’d been gone.

Her heart beat out a rapid rhythm as shock enveloped her. “What?”

“I love you,” he said, his eyes warm, his emotions there for her to see.

She’d never seen Mike vulnerable before, but he was now, and despite her misgivings about what this declaration meant, that alone made her want to believe.

“I love you,” he said once more, no hesitation, no uncertainty.

She couldn’t prevent the happy tears leaking from her eyes. “But you said—”

“Forget everything I said before. I’d never been in love. I never had to change my life for anyone, nor did I want to. Until you. So please just listen to what I have to say now, okay?”

She nodded. They both knew she wasn’t going anywhere. He had her mesmerized, hopeful, and scared all at the same time.

He brushed her tears with his thumb. “I’m here, baby. I’m staying in Serendipity. The mayor formally offered me Simon’s job permanently, and I accepted.”

Cara’s mind balked. “But you’ll get bored. You’ll grow to hate it and me—”

“Never.” He kept his hand against her uninjured cheek. “As soon as I walked into my New York apartment, I knew I’d screwed up. It took me a week to do something about it because I didn’t think you’d want to see me again. And based on your reaction, I was right.” He winced at the memory they both held of how she’d rejected him back at the bar.

Cara ought to feel bad, but she didn’t. She was too shocked by his words and by the fact that he’d thought this out so clearly—and he’d taken the job.

He was staying.

“When you left the bar, my gut told me to go after you, but I waited. Then I saw that bastard’s hands on your throat and your head hit the pavement.” His body trembled. “You scared me to death.”

“Sorry,” she whispered.

“No, I’m sorry. For leaving, for putting you through the last week.”

If it brought them to this point, it was okay, Cara thought, her heart close to exploding from her chest. “You warned me not to get too invested, but despite everything, I fell in love with you too.”

As much as it hurt to talk, it was worth the pain to finally express her feelings and know they were reciprocated, she thought, running her finger down his cheek.

“Thank God.” He moved closer, and Cara threw herself against him, finding everything she’d ever wanted as his strong arms enveloped her in a tight embrace.

He pushed her away long enough to kiss her, a soul-stealing, all-consuming melding of lips that lit her up from the inside out. His tongue slid against hers and she moaned, seeking closer contact, wanting to rub up against him and never be cold again.

“You’re sure about all this?” she asked.

“So sure that I gave up my New York apartment and put a deposit on this house—pending your approval. The real estate agent faxed me pictures and I fell in love, but I wanted us to walk through together.”

“I don’t understand,” she whispered.

His grin transformed his entire face, and Cara fell in love all over again, more so because this time she didn’t have to push away the emotions because now they were shared.

“You’re my life,” he said, the words a balm to her soul. “I want to get married, have a family, raise kids here Copyright 2016 - 2024