Perfect Fit (Serendipity's Finest) - By Carly Phillips Page 0,100

went weak and her breath caught.

“Hey, baby.”

Everything inside her warmed at the endearment, and what a kick in the ass that was, considering how hard she’d fought against his using it.

She folded her arms across her chest in the most defensive gesture she could think of. Anything to help keep her distance. “What are you doing here?”

After the longest, most painful week of her life, his sudden reappearance was a shock, to say the least. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest, fear warring with panic at seeing him again.

“I’m back.” His searing gaze never left hers.

She didn’t know if he meant for a visit or what, but she refused to let herself care. “Good for you. And you thought you could wrap your arms around me and pick up where we left off?” she asked, her voice rising.

Alexa tapped her on the shoulder. “Are you okay?” her friend asked.

“Yeah.” She set her jaw. Well, she would be once she got herself away from him.

“Can we go somewhere and talk?” Mike asked.

She looked at him in shock. “Seriously?”

After the way he’d sidled up to her on the dance floor, she doubted he had talking in mind. “Let’s get something straight. I don’t know why you’re here or for how long, and I don’t care. But I will not be your booty call every time you come back to town.”

“That’s not what I meant. Just give me a chance to explain,” he said, reaching for her.

“No.” She shoved at his shoulder and stepped out of reach.

The pain in his eyes reached into her soul, and it took all her restraint not to let him back in.

Alexa moved closer to Cara’s side. “Let’s go,” she whispered in her ear. “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” she said next, loud enough for Mike to hear. She tipped her head toward the back of the bar.

Mike stepped closer to Cara.

“Stay,” his voice rumbled in her ear.

Cara shook her head, and before he could ask again, she turned away and followed Alexa across the room, feeling the heat of his gaze on her back as she walked away.

“God.” Cara realized she was trembling and wrapped her arms around herself, waiting for the small powder room area to clear.

Once they had the room to themselves, Alexa touched her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

Cara swallowed hard, shaking her head. She wasn’t okay. Not by a long shot. “I can’t talk about this without falling apart. So let’s discuss you. What was that dancing all about?”

Alexa, cheeks flushed, shrugged and glanced away. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” Cara asked incredulously. “This is you. And some stranger. Bodies a little too close, you know?”

Alexa glanced in the mirror and swiped at some liner that had smudged beneath her eyes. “It’s just flirting.” She bit her bottom lip, unwilling to meet Cara’s gaze because they both knew it had looked like more.

“Do you like this guy? I mean that way?”

Alexa shook her head. “I don’t know him. But he’s sexy.” She managed a shrug.

“I get that, but are you leading him on? Because a lot of guys don’t like that,” Cara said pointedly.

“I’m lonely, okay?” Alexa gripped the counter with one hand, her knuckles turning white. “He’s cute. He’s attentive. When was the last time I took something just for me?”

Cara covered her friend’s hand with her own. She couldn’t ever remember seeing Dr. Alexa Collins looking vulnerable, and Cara hurt for her. “You know I understand. But he’s a stranger, and I can’t help worrying.”

Alexa’s normally bright eyes weren’t sparkling. “I know. But I don’t have time for a relationship. All I do is work and go home to an empty bed. I can’t keep this up. I don’t know whether I’m exhausted or in need of companionship or both.”

Cara sighed, feeling her friend’s pain. She met Alexa’s gaze. “It’s time to change something in your life.”

Alexa’s shoulders deflated. “You’re right. Something needs to give.” She sniffed and reached for a paper towel to blot her eyes. “I just need time to think.”

Cara nodded. “Fair enough.” She kissed her friend’s cheek. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Pathetic but okay.”

“You’re normal. If anyone’s pathetic, it’s me.” Cara glanced in the mirror and made a face.

Alexa shook her head. “You handled him well. You stood up for yourself, and I was proud of you.”

“Thanks.” Cara didn’t feel all that proud. As much as she’d turned him away, she still wanted him. Not that she’d let herself give in, but she hated the weakness those feelings Copyright 2016 - 2024