The Perfect Escape (The Perfect Escape #1) - Suzanne Park Page 0,31

to not crack my head open like a walnut.”

“No helmets?” Zach squawked. “Err, no thanks. Maybe I’ll just play video games there.”

We made it to the front of the line, and we all turned to Jaxon to be our spokesperson. He cleared his throat. “Um, we’re here for the party.”

The attendant had fiery hair and tiny cute freckles sprinkled on her nose and cheeks. She asked him, “Are you on the guest list?”

Jaxon shot us an “I’m about to lie out of my ass, so just go with me” look over his shoulder, and then turned back to her. “My name is hard to spell, but I see it, right there.” He gestured at the pages in front of her, and with a wave of Jaxon magic, she handed him the entire guest list. Skimming quickly, he said, “Here it is, party of four.”

She took the list back, and she marked a line through the name. “Okay, enjoy the party, Peter Haskill the Fourth, plus guests. It wasn’t that hard to spell.” She laughed, under Jaxon’s hypnosis. “Oh, one more thing.” She opened the drawer by her knee. “You all get VIP wristbands, so you get free Icees and corn dogs.”

“Thank you,” Jaxon said, and, reading her name tag, added, “Camilla.”

She helped us fasten the bands and gestured us to enter the skate center.

We were in.

And Jaxon got her phone number.

As soon as we were out of earshot, we busted up laughing. “You dragged us to a party where we weren’t even on the list? Pete’s gonna kill you,” Zach said, barely above a whisper.

Jaxon grinned. “He won’t know it’s me. No snitching, Zach!” His eyes darkened, and the corners of his mouth turned downward. “Pete’ll be fine. He’ll probably slip Camilla a hundred, and it’ll all be okay. Everything always goes okay for guys like him.”

Out of nowhere, Annie grabbed my upper arm and squeezed it. “Let’s go get our skates.” My bicep tingled at her touch, and instantly, my blood pumped from my heart at double speed. After a few seconds of walking next to her, I deeply inhaled and exhaled out my nose. I’d forgotten to breathe.

Jaxon coughed and then fake-punched me in the chest (right hook, left hook) in a not-so-subtle way. “You two get your skates. Zach and I are gonna check out the arcade.”

He threw a peace sign over his shoulder as he and Zach walked away.

Was it possible to want to kill someone and hug them at the same time?

Chapter Ten


“Wait, whose party is this again?” I asked, pulling out my phone to check the time.

“Hold up. When did you get a new phone?” Raina narrowed her eyes at me. “Is it yours? Or one of your dad’s?” She dropped her voice down to a near baritone. “Can he hear us?”

It had crossed my mind that maybe Dad’s company could bug my phone. I’d just turned eighteen but hadn’t done much research on my legal independence yet. “It’s mine. He doesn’t know about it.” I pressed my cheek on the cool window. He had really pissed me off. Why couldn’t he just step outside of his room to say hi to me? I didn’t care if he’d slept in his work clothes or had BO or eyebrow-singeing bad breath.

The lump in my throat stopped me from saying anything more.

“Well, you know I won’t tell, especially not your dad. I’m excited I have a secret way of contacting you now instead of your house phone or one of your dad’s company phones. Call me so I have your number.”

She recited her number, and I dialed it. “Raina Singh speaking! How may I direct your call?” she chirped into her speaker.

The gloom inside me lifted. “You’re so ridiculous,” I said, feeling warmer. It was good, being with Raina again. She was familiar and comfortable, like a favorite worn-in hoodie.

Raina laughed and ended the call. “Ooooh, am I the first number in your contact list? I’m so honored!”

I hesitated, so she grabbed my phone. “Wait, who’s Nate Kim?”

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