The Perfect Bride - By Kerry Connor Page 0,52

death had taken place and threatened to derail what they’d worked for.

Someone had hurt this woman.

And not just once. As Jillian watched, Meredith’s shoulders hunched inward slightly, as though preparing to ward off a blow. The posture was instinctive, as ingrained in her bones as the need to draw.

“How did you break your hand?” Jillian asked quietly. She knew it was none of her business, but couldn’t stop the question from coming out, couldn’t keep from wanting to know.

Meredith swallowed hard, not meeting Jillian’s eyes, her gaze fixed on the tabletop. Jillian wondered if she was going to answer, and was about to apologize when Meredith finally did.

“My husband...had a temper.” She exhaled sharply, the breath emerging almost as a humorless laugh. “And I couldn’t seem to do anything right, no matter how hard I tried.”

The words only confirmed Jillian’s suspicions. Sympathy and a trace of guilt welled in her chest, at what the woman had clearly been through and how Jillian had misinterpreted her behavior. “I’m sorry,” she said, meaning it. “But I’m glad you’re not in that situation anymore. That must have taken a lot of strength.”

Meredith smiled faintly. “It did, but not mine. Adam saved me, when I couldn’t save myself. He feels guilty for not knowing anything was happening, for not doing anything sooner. Which is ridiculous, of course. The only person responsible for me is me. How could he be to blame for not saving me when I couldn’t save myself?”

And there it was, everything she needed to know to unlock the mystery that was Adam Sutton.

Of course he would go along with his sister’s dream to open this place for weddings. Of course he would give up his career to do that for her. Of course he would refuse to let anyone speak ill of her, or do anything to hurt her.

That was the man he was.

“You’re lucky to have him,” Jillian said softly.

“I know.”

“I’m a little surprised you’d want to have anything to do with marriage and weddings after going through that.”

“If anything, I think I needed it. The idea of seeing happy couples on one of the best days of their lives...I could use that. It would be nice to be reminded that love does exist and people can be happy, you know?” She finally raised her head and met Jillian’s eyes. “Like you and Ryan.”

This time it was pure guilt—sharp and painful—that struck squarely in Jillian’s chest. She had absolutely no idea what to say.

“I’m sorry,” Meredith said, misreading Jillian’s silence. “You’re here to plan your wedding. I’m sure this is the last thing you want to hear about. Not that you have anything to worry about. Even without having met him, I know your fiancé has to be a good man. I know you wouldn’t pick anyone who didn’t deserve you. You’re too strong for that. You’re going to be happy. I know it.”

It was Jillian’s turn to force a smile, her heart sinking at the kindness—the hope—shining in the woman’s eyes. All of which was based on a lie.

Oh, God. When Meredith learned the truth she was going to be crushed.

The suspicious part of her, which couldn’t forget what had happened to Courtney, and what had happened to Jillian herself over the past few days, prodded at the back of her brain, forcing her to consider the possibilities the new information raised. If anything, this might give Meredith some kind of twisted motive, leading her to take out the pain of what was done to her on other couples....

But looking into the woman’s eyes, Jillian knew deep in her heart it couldn’t possibly be true. There was too much kindness, too much hope, in her expression. She really did want to believe in that kind of happiness. She wouldn’t do anything to destroy it.

Whatever had happened to Courtney, whoever had attacked Jillian, this woman wasn’t responsible.

It meant she could trust Adam, Jillian realized, relief crashing over her. Knowing all of this put the man and his actions in a whole new light.

Of course it was possible he, too, might still have some unknown motive to go after women who were about to be married. But even if he did, she simply didn’t believe he would do that here, under these circumstances. He never would have killed Courtney, never would have tried to do anything to her. He wouldn’t have done that to Meredith. He knew how much this wedding business meant to her, and she meant too much to Copyright 2016 - 2024