Penned In - Lynn Cahoon Page 0,7

you take the middle and I’ll come around the back.”

“I’m not staying here alone.” Hope held on to Estebe’s arm.

“No one’s asking you to. If you want to come, just get between me and Matt,” Estebe said, his voice patient. “Ian was placing the flashlights.”

Of course, that wasn’t what Ian was doing, Angie could see it in his eyes. But then again, leaving three women behind in the dark wasn’t a great plan either. “Let’s all go. That way, we’re prepared for anything. Dom, come.”

She clicked the leash on him and stayed back with Ian as the rest of the group made their way down the hall. She waited until Estebe and Hope were out of earshot and leaned close. “You don’t think this is a prank.”

“Something’s been nagging at me all night. There’s something off about our guards and our guests. Did you see how Thaddeus wouldn’t even look at Tad? That’s strange. And the two couples, they’re just looking for a place to do it so they can tell their friends. They have no interest in the tour. Or the history of the place.” Ian kept shining the light behind them as they kept pace with the group. “And the guards, they’re like an episode of Dive Bar Escapades.”

“I like dive bars.” Angie put her arm in his and watched Dom sniff his way down the hallway. “Besides, dating a co-worker’s ex will get you in a fight no matter where you work.”

“You have to admit, your team members are the most normal people here.” He glanced down at her. “Besides the two of us, that is.”

“Sure, start with the sweet talk. Just because we’re sharing a cell doesn’t mean you get to move over to my side of the room. Dom will be watching.” She squeezed his hand.

“It had crossed my mind.”

Another scream came from in front of them and they quickened their pace. The group was crowded around the doorway to the library. When Angie got closer, she saw a pair of uniform legs sticking out and blood pooling on the floor. She leaned in to check the guard’s face and realized it was Pat. The ex-husband. Had Marty tired of Pat’s interference in his new girlfriend’s life? “Is he…”

Estebe shook his head. “He’s dead.”

“He has a cell phone on his belt. Use it to call nine-one-one.” Angie pointed to the place where the cell had been earlier in the night. “Wait, it’s gone. Maybe it fell off when he was killed. Look around, everyone.”

“There’s nothing around him except for blood.” Hope said taking a few steps back. “I think I might be sick.”

“Angie, Felicia – you guys take Hope and go find Bridget and the other guards. Ian, you go too. Matt, Nancy and I will stay here with him.” Estebe moved away from the body and pointed to a table. “We’ll sit there because we can see all of the exits from that spot. Make sure they call for help before they come back. We need everyone to gather together. There’s safety in numbers.”

“You don’t think someone’s just going to kill us off, one by one, do you?” Hope’s eyes widened. “I don’t even like horror movies.”

“Let’s just assume he fell. We don’t know if he was murdered or not, but we aren’t professionals.” Ian glanced at Angie. “Let’s go so we can get everyone rounded up. Maybe we can hit Denny’s on the way home and get some coffee. I’d love a cup of strong coffee right now.”

Angie knew Ian was just chattering. Pat’s death had everyone on their last nerve. She put a hand on his arm. “Coffee would be awesome, but first, let’s go find the guards.”

They finally found Marty and Bridget in the gun room. They were sitting at the same table Angie and the others sat at earlier. Bridget looked up in surprise when the group came in. “What are you guys doing out of your cells? I thought you’d all be asleep by now.”

“There is a problem.” Ian started, swallowed, then looked at Angie.

She nodded, letting him know she’d continue the story. “Your friend, the other guard, Pat?”

“Oh, God. What has he done now? I thought I’d saw him eyeing your young friend. He’s basically harmless, he just likes to flirt.” Bridget stepped toward him.

“He’s a pig. He was always cheating on Rachel with whoever would have him. He needs to have his access to women restricted to like, none.” Marty stood and followed her. “Where is he?”

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