Penned In - Lynn Cahoon Page 0,13

followed Bridget inside.

“That is a very good question.” She sat at one of the tables. Angie stared at her. “Come sit by me. I want to go over what we’ve found out so far.”

“I thought we were looking for someone who might be hurt?” Angie glanced around the room. It was clearly empty besides the two of them.

“The scream didn’t come from this way. It came from the cell block. Either Glen or Marty will find the woman. Right now, I’m confused about what’s going on. What do you know about the three of them?”

“The new arrivals? Is that what you’re talking about?” Angie clarified.

When Bridget nodded, Angie leaned back in her chair, thinking about what she knew. “I talked to Tamera at the beginning of the tour. She said her uncle was visiting from Utah and they thought it would be fun to go on the tour.” Angie paused. Was that right? Is that what Tamera said? Who brought up the tour? It didn’t seem like Tad would have suggested it, especially with his record. Visiting a prison wouldn’t be first on an ex-con’s list. “Anyway, that was about it. They’re here as a family bonding exercise.”

“Not much bonding going on. I wonder if the old man has money. The others don’t seem too attached to him, and it might just be about keeping on his good side for the will.” Bridget was making notes in her little notebook. “Do you know the other two couples?”

“Not at all. They didn’t seem like they wanted to be part of any conversation, besides with each other. I heard they just got married, but you heard that too, from Glen.” Angie thought about Glen’s arrival in the great room after the murder. He said he’d been held up getting the couples situated but that wouldn’t have taken much time. Especially if all they wanted to do was be alone. She shivered. The thought of making love in a prison on your wedding night seemed a little dark. Okay, a lot dark. But maybe people liked a less perfect honeymoon atmosphere. She watched Bridget as she considered her notes. “How long has Glen worked here?”

“Oh, we’ve all been around the same amount of time, five to seven years. I know, it sounds more like a sentence rather than a career, but we all enjoy it. And most nights, we get a lot of time on our own. I’m writing a book. Marty’s working on a screenplay. And Pat, well, he liked watching sports on his tablet.” Bridget continued writing as she talked.

“You didn’t mention Glen.” Angie didn’t think any of the guards could have done this, but she needed to cross off all the suspects. Right now, Glen was on top of her list for his lateness to the employee break room conversations.

“Glen is a history buff. He would take his notes from the last book he’d read about the prison or the inmates and search the grounds to find what cells people had been assigned to. He eventually started a timeline for all the residents he’d studied just in case family members wanted to know what he’d learned. I told him he needed to publish it, but I think he saw it as a way to give back to the prison. I guess you’d call it community service.”

“What, was he in jail too?”

“Oh, no. But he liked to give back to the community.” Bridget’s laugh made Angie feel like she was barking up the wrong tree.

Bridget closed her notebook and stuffed it in her back pocket. “I guess we better finish our walk through and get back to the common room. Maybe we can find out more about these honeymooners without anyone getting suspicious.”

Angie thought the chance of anyone getting between two honeymooners was probably non-existent, but she’d let Bridget deal with that conversation.

Chapter 5

The honeymooners were Nick and Sara and Jamie and Liz. And they were all in the same paranormal hunting group. Nick had brought an EMF sensor and between snuggling with his new wife, he’d been tracking the ghost levels for the evening.

“I haven’t had much of a blip except for twice. One about an hour ago and one just a few minutes ago.” Nick pointed to his notebook where he’d noted levels every fifteen minutes except when a surge occurred. Then the timing when down to every five minutes. “I thought it might be an issue with the electricity in the building or nearby.”

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