The Penalty Box - Teagan Kade Page 0,6

to pop out of the hallway, or any one of his other endless pranks. It’s strange having him in Boston. I’ve got Peyton, Phoenix, and their better halves to fill the space, but it’s not the same without all of us. When he was here, I constantly wished he’d get lost, but now? I can’t make up if his absence if good or bad. Seems I can’t decide any damn thing, even how much chest to show tonight.

I think of Linnea and dial it back.

One button.

Honestly, I never thought I’d see the day where any of my brothers were married off. The world has gone topsy-turvy and I’m not sure I know my place in it anymore. Could Linnea fit into it? Could she be my Erin or Maya? I consider the two girls in question. They’re strong individuals, but Linnea is notched up to eleven. The way she powered up that summit trail… I barely had time to check out her ass let alone keep up.

I exhale and tug on my shirt in the mirror. “Here goes nothing.”

I take the Beemer to pick up Linnea. It used to be Dad’s car back in the ’90s, isn’t half as flashy as my brothers’ many show-pony automobiles, but it’s enough for me. I don’t need to stand out like they do.

Linnea’s waiting out front, but I don’t get a good look at her until I pop the passenger door open.

She ducks her head, sliding into the passenger seat wearing a tight black halter dress, her hair pulled back into a single, glossy ponytail. She’s wearing makeup—about a quarter as much as my last date, who looked like she’d fallen face-first into rainbow. It’s refreshing. Elegant.

“You look…” I start, but Linnea reaches across to place a finger on my lips.

“If it’s a cliché, I don’t want to hear it.” She removes her finger slowly.

“You can’t be a cliché if you’re one of a kind.”

She rolls her eyes, laughing and pulling the hem of her dress down her thighs. “All right. Chalk up a point for that one, but do understand I expect this sort of creative conversation the whole night.”

I start the car and place my hand on top of the steering wheel, the other reaching for the gearshift. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Linnea seems surprised we’re headed up the mountain. “If you’re planning a midnight picnic,” she tells me, “I hope you brought bear spray.”

“No picnic,” I reply, remaining secretive. Phoenix gave me the heads up about this place a while ago. I believe he took Heather here when they first started dating, and that seems to have panned out. I figured I couldn’t do any worse. We’re rather lacking for quality restaurants in Crestfall.

Half an hour later I pull down a cobblestone drive, the restaurant emerging through the trees looking—like Phoenix said—like an unassuming modern house.

The opulence is really revealed as I usher Linnea inside. This time I do hang back, take a glance downwards at that gravity-defying ass that was such a handful the night of the party. Thankfully we’re seated before my cock has had time to fully stiffen.

A waitress arrives and asks about dietary considerations, but we’re good to go. It’s a degustation menu. I ask Linnea if she’d like the matched wine pairings.

She straightens her dress, and looks—if I can believe it—nervous? “Uh, you decide,” she says, smiling.

I relax back in my chair. “Really? Because you seem like a girl who knows what she wants.”

Her lips tighten seductively. “If you are referring to yourself, I already got what I want.”

“So, if I asked you to take your panties off and meet me in the bathroom, what would you say?”

She leans over the table and wets her lower lip. “I’d tell you I’m not wearing any panties.”

And god damn it, my cock’s so hard it’s going to flip the fucking table.

Five minutes later the waitress arrives with the first pairing.

Linnea picks up her glass—more like a fishbowl. “Is this where all you King brothers take the women you’re looking to impress?”

I laugh. “My brothers are all for the shock-and-awe campaign, yes.”

“Whereas you prefer the more subtle route of a two-hundred-dollar-a-head meal?”

“You looked at the prices.”

“I did.”

“Good, because you’re paying.”

She lifts an eyebrow. “What if I don’t have any money?”

“I will pay and you can pay me back with sexual favors.”

“You won’t get much for two-hundred dollars, sorry.”

I smile at the thought. “Is that a fact?”

She nods. “Let’s steer the conversation to safer waters, shall we?”

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