The Penalty Box - Teagan Kade Page 0,51

We’re married. There’s nothing Linnea’s father can do about it. That thought alone is enough to put a spring in my step, but it’s the greater thought of spending my life with Linnea that has me close to doing cartwheels down the street.

Earlier today a scout rang through asking if we could meet, said he had a very special offer he’d only detail in person. I should have put Jamie onto it, but hell, what’s the harm in talking with this guy? I can always bring in Jamie later.

I’m a block away from the diner having parked behind Main Street, about to cross the alley leading to the shops when I hear an engine revving.

I look left and see a limo flying down the alley towards me.


I start to run, but the limo’s already pulled up next to me, the big guy from before already out reaching for my arm. I twist but the fucker’s quicker than his mass would suggest, getting hold of my shirt and tugging me towards him. I swing, connect with his jaw, but it’s like the guy’s a crash-test dummy. He just bounces on back and strongarms me into the back of the limo.

Pressed inside, the door closes and the limo takes off at full speed.

My first thought: I need to get out of here.

I brace myself against the seat and go to kick the door, but the big guy punches me in the back of the head. It’s hard enough to knock me forwards against the glass of the window, a dull, déjà vu pain spreading through my skull. I reach up and there’s blood on my hairline, and the window. I grunt and fold forwards, the world tilting dangerously when I try to lift my head any higher.

The big guy’s muttering something about payback, but my entire focus is on my head. It’s like someone’s lopped off the top and is slowly filling it with concrete. I want to pass out, let that welcome black blanket envelop me, but I have to stay awake. I have to find out what these pricks want before they get to Linnea.

Dimly, I realize the scout call was a scam. That’s probably the most irritating part of it. How could I be so stupid?

It can’t get any worse, I tell myself.

Until Rex Marsden rocks forward from the shadows. He smiles there at me from the other end of the limo. I muster everything I have and leap for him, but the big goon pulls me back and drives his fist deep into my stomach.

I cough and squeeze, spit to the carpeted floor. “Fuck you,” I manage to get out.

The blow to the head hasn’t knocked me out, but it’s sure making it hard to fight.

And I want to fight. This asshole has done enough damage.

I want to take Rex and toss him from the nearest bridge. He has no right trying to pull Linnea into his bullshit world.

Honestly, I’m not surprised to find him here. If I have to suffer so he leaves Linnea alone, so be it. If he injures her, touches one hair on her head…

“I imagine you’re thinking of all the ways you’d like to string me up,” he smiles, folding his hands together.

I spit again, a metallic, chemical taste against my tongue I don’t think bodes well.

The limo’s moving fast. We’ve already left the town limits heading down the southern highway.

I need to keep my eye on where we’re going. My hand goes for the cell in my pocket, but it’s missing. Either it fell out when I was manhandled into the car or sticky fingers beside me has it.

I don’t want to talk, but I force myself to speak and straighten up. Instantly, the pain becomes close to overwhelming. “You’re dead,” I tell Rex, making sure I narrow in on those crocodile eyes of his. “Once my family gets word of this, they—”

Rex’s hands go out. “What? They’re going to come get me? You don’t think I’ve been threatened before, son?”

I stifle a laugh. “I imagine the folks looking to take you out could fill a stadium.”

“And you would be right, but you know what has stopped them, what has kept me on top?”

“Your subtlety?”

He ignores that and taps his nose. “Killer instinct. You’ve got to get your hands dirty once in a while to succeed. I’m sure your father learnt that lesson early on.”

“Don’t you dare compare yourself to my father.”

He leans back, still smiling, and places one leg atop the Copyright 2016 - 2024