The Penalty Box - Teagan Kade Page 0,45

my cock.

I watch with fascination at the way her fingers move to find her nipple, pinching it until it’s pebble hard and a deep, ochre brown.

Once again, the sight overwhelms me. My cock starts to jerk with the first hints of orgasm, balls lifting back in position apparently not spent.

I can’t do anything but lie there as she fucks me, smiling and teasing and rolling those perfect hips until she knows I can’t hold back any longer.

I tell her, announce I’m going to come.

I expect her to stay in position, let this climax meet the first somewhere in the hot space of her sex, but instead she reaches down and takes hold of the root of my cock, a single second to lift herself from me before taking me into her mouth.

“Shi—” but I don’t get the word out before I climax. A pained groan escapes my lips just as I fill her mouth with my release.

Her lips remain tight around my cock. To my complete and utter surprise, she swallows hard, taking it all, not a single drop leaving her lips.

I’m seeing stars—literally—lost in a distant universe, pins and needles followed by a cold wave that spreads to my extremities. It’s like she’s sucking away my very soul.

She swallows the entire mouthful, topping it off by licking the head of my cock clean.

She sits back on her haunches licking her lips. “Damn. Surprisingly delicious.”

I convulse again, can’t seem to control it.

“You all good there or do I need to go get medical attention?”

I shake my head, but the stars remain. “Just give me a moment.”

“How’s that for honeymoon sex?”

“If that is the start of our sex life,” I tell her, “I can’t wait to see what you pull out for our anniversary.”


The following morning there’s a knock on the bedroom door, Phoenix’s telltale voice following. “Hey, lovebirds, someone’s here to see you.”

Linnea wakes, lifting herself from my chest with one red cheek. She looks down at the circle of drool she’s left behind. “Shit, sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I smile, stroking her hair. “I wish I could sleep as peacefully and deep as you do.”

“After last night, do you blame me?”

“True. Guess I don’t need a gym if I’ve got you.”

She kisses me. “And we haven’t even started on the Kama Sutra.”

I purr in approval dreaming up the many possibilities. After all, she is flexible.

“Who do you think it is?” asks Linnea.

“I don’t know, but I guess we better get dressed. Wouldn’t want to show up to our mystery visitor buck naked now, would we?”

She reaches down and gives my cock a squeeze. It twitches at her touch. “If it’s one of Rex’s goons, you can just club him over the head with this.”

“A light breeze would bowl those idiots over,” I reply.

Getting up is the last thing I want to do, but another rap on the door cements it.

It’s Phoenix again. “Put your dick away and get downstairs, will you? Jamie’s a nice guy, but he not going to wait around all morning while you two play hide the sausage.”

I shake my head. “Coming.”

“Too much information,” he says, muttering as he walks off.

We dress quickly and head downstairs, Linnea in a tight crop I’m doing my best to ignore.

Jamie’s waiting at the breakfast bar. “Ah, here they are, fresh from…” he stops, unsure what to say. He extends his hand to Linnea instead. “Jamie Henton, at your service.”

She takes it. “Linnea Marsden.”

“A pleasure,” he says. “And a nice change. I’ve heard a lot about you. Look—” he throws his satchel up and starts to pull out manilla folders “—I thought I’d come around and show you these offers.”

Linnea sits beside me on a stool. “Both of us?”

“Sure,” he smiles. “Two birds with one stone and all that.”

“You sound like you’ve come to kill us,” I laugh.

“With money and gifts and fame—if that’s what you want,” he cautions, looking between us. “The decision is entirely up to you, but I should warn you…”

I’ve heard this spiel about ten thousand times from both Jamie and my father. It seems a King rite of passage. “…These offers are time limited,” I finish. “You’ll have to make a decision soon, yadda yadda yadda.”

Jamie seems impressed. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.” He splits the folders, sliding one pile to Linnea and the other to me. “Have at it, kids.”

I still think it’s amusing Jamie sees us as children. He’s been around the family as long as I can remember, and to his credit, he’s Copyright 2016 - 2024