The Penalty Box - Teagan Kade Page 0,31

starts nodding herself. “And if I say yes?”

“I’ll make you happiest woman in the world.”

“You are on your knees, so that’s a good start.”

Her smile is infectious. I let my hands come to her knees and slowly spread her legs apart. “Perhaps I could sweeten the deal?”

She closes them, running a hand through my hair. She places the ring back on my finger. “Tempting, on both accounts, but I have to think about it. You have my word.”

But not the word I wanted.

I try to drive the disappointment away, remind myself this isn’t a ‘no.’ This was an opportunity, a way to cut through months of dating and waiting to get what I really want.

“You’re sweet, you know,” she tells me, eyes suddenly sadder than usual.

“You’ll think about it?”

“I already promised, didn’t I?”

I was hoping for a firmer answer, but I nod all the same. I climb onto the sofa beside her and reach for the bowl.

We watch TV together for a while, order in pizza so we don’t have to deal with the rabble downstairs.

When she’s asleep, I carry her to bed and sit on the edge watching the soft movement of her chest. Her lips are barely parted, nostrils flaring with each intake of breath.

“You will be my wife,” I whisper. “So help me God.” I realize I sound like a possessive creep in the process, but I can’t help it. Linnea has become my everything, my forever. I won’t let Rex Marsden take that away. I won’t let anyone.

What started as a bit of fun has evolved into so much more. Even my brothers are on board, though the lot of them have become hopeless romantics, had the testosterone scrubbed clean out of their systems.


I lie beside Linnea on the bed and stare upwards. I close my eyes but sleep is not forthcoming. I’m worrying about her, wondering whether she’ll accept my proposal, wondering what I should, or could, do to sway her over.

But there’s only one thing I can do.


And it’s killing me already.



The topic of the proposal doesn’t come up again in the following days. Nolan’s leaving me space to think, and thinking I am. We go out, make out, and I feel like a teenager all over again.

It’s been nice, but still the problems with my father cast a shadow over everything. I know Nolan will do whatever it takes to protect me, but I know what my father is capable of. If something were to happen to Nolan, I’d never forgive myself.

“Linnea Marsden?”

I’m at the entrance to the arena, about to head in for practice when a woman approaches me. She’s dressed to the nines, boxed up and shipped directly from New York by the look of it. I can’t tell if it’s a dress she’s wearing or something she pinched from the Guggenheim.

I stop walking. “Yes?” I reply cautiously.

She extends her hand. “I’m Maria Saens, your wedding planner.”

At first, I think this is Nolan’s doing, both admiring and loathing his persistence, but then the more likely answer becomes clear. “My father sent you, didn’t he?”

I see slight hesitation register on those medically smoothed features of hers. “He did.”

I look to the sky and draw in a deep breath, returning to Maria. “Not interested, thanks.”

I keep walking.

She trails at a distance. “Please, Linnea. I’ve got the most gorgeous—”

But I’m through the doors before she can get out the rest. I stop by the administration desk at the front of the gym, leaning over and speaking in a low voice. “I think there’s a crazy woman outside. She’s not a student or a teacher. Should we call campus security?”

The administrator looks through the double doors and spots her immediately, lifting up the phone receiver. “Let me give them a call.”

It’s evil. I’m sure this Maria is a perfectly fine human being, but the opportunity to get one over my father is too good to pass up.

Carrie sees me smiling as I come onto the court. “You’re looking chipper today. Long night with Sir Supercock?”

I pick up a basketball from the rack and start to dribble in between my legs. “You make it sound like I’m dating his father.”

“Have you seen Stone King? Guy is a total silver fox.”

I laugh. “I’m sure there are plenty of sugar daddies around Crestfall if that’s what you’re into.”

She leans against the rack. “At the moment I’d be into anything with two legs and half a brain willing to run one through me.”

“Ah, Carrie. Always such a way Copyright 2016 - 2024