The Penalty Box - Teagan Kade Page 0,2

she owns the place, keeps the conversation going. I notice bruising on her knees, which probably proves her previous point she likes to be assertive on the court.

Or bedroom, my head adds.

I discover she lives off campus with her mother, has a wealthy father she’s not close with. Soon after, she turns the questioning back onto me and I find myself oddly floundering in her presence.

“Don’t tell me I’m making the mighty Nolan King nervous,” she pouts, placing her wine glass down emptied for the third time. I haven’t checked my watch, but we must have been at this an hour or more now.

“Put a hockey stick in my hand, ice under my feet, and I’ll be just fine,” I retort.

“Pad you up like a giant tampon too?”

I place my hands either side of her thighs on the counter, lean in. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were fucking with me, Linnea Marsden.”

“Do you want to?”

I’m confused. “What?”

“Fuck,” she replies casually, though loud enough for a few nearby eyebrows to be raised.

I lower my voice, leaning back. “You’re funny.”

Her expression doesn’t change, those emerald eyes locked on and loaded. “I’m quite serious. I want to have sex. With you,” she adds.

I swallow. “What, here?” It’s the first thing I think to say in lieu of something more profound. I’m still trying to get over the shock.

“I’d prefer somewhere without sticky floors and a puke bucket, so my place? I’ll come first, if you don’t mind.”

I can barely think straight, but I’m not entirely resistant to the idea. “Ah, sure, I guess.”

She pushes herself off the counter so we’re standing face to face, leaning in to whisper at my ear. “Don’t worry. I give a great blowjob.”

I can’t tell if she’s kidding or not.

My cock hardens in my pants and I know I need to get the hell out of here now before I become a walking erection.

I barely have time to place my glass down before she’s tugging me through the house. She’s pulled a cell from somewhere in the fake flower dress, texting away rapidly.

We emerge outside and I’m tugged up to the curb, my heart starting to thump a harder. This is not the turn of events I imagined tonight. This is not how I roll.

She holds the cell up to me. “Uber will be here in one minute. Anything you want to ask me now? ’Cause once we get to my place that mouth of yours won’t have time for talking.”

I can’t help smiling. “Uh… You sure this is what you want?”

She shifts to stand in front of me. “Let me tell you one thing about me, Nolan King. I know what I want and I go the hell after it, and right now I want you, between my legs. Is that simple enough for you?”

I nod, can’t even dream up a reply that wouldn’t sound sleazy. I almost feel like I should reply, ‘Yes, ma’am.’

The Uber arrives, Linnea holding the rear door open. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

I get in, Linnea sliding in beside me and pulling the door closed, the fake flowers crinkling against the leather. “Step on it,” she tells the driver, watching me. “My friend here has somewhere he needs to be.”

And given the way she’s spreading her legs on the back seat, nothing fake about what I see between them, I know exactly where that is.



I open my eyes and breathe in, can already feel the welcome mass of a male body beside me in bed.

I smile because yes, it’s going to be a beautiful day.

I press up onto my elbows. There’s a framed picture of Michael Jordan on the opposite wall from the end of the bed. He’s holding a basketball underarm, smiling back as if to say ‘My man.’

“Or woman,” I correct, Nolan remaining blissfully asleep while I silently lose my mind.

I sit up straighter and the sheet falls away from my breasts, warm, morning light cutting across the bed.

Even a bad boy like Nolan King can sleep like a baby, I muse. That’s not really fair, though. All the King brothers have a reputation, but you don’t tend to hear too much of Nolan’s escapades. Perhaps that’s what drew me to him—the mystique and mystery. I’ve always been obsessed with discovering how things work. Every toy my parents bought me I’d pull apart, much to their chagrin. Magic tricks? I just had to know the secret.

As for Nolan, seems he knows a few tricks himself Copyright 2016 - 2024