Peasants and Kings - Emma Slate Page 0,44

of a long table that looked like it had once belonged in a medieval castle. They quickly waved me over, and I walked toward them across the wooden floor.

Julia’s gaze ran up and down my body. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” I replied.

“How was your night?” Tiffany asked. Her face was clear of makeup and she was wearing a white satin robe secured at the waist. Julia was wearing the same garment in a shade of rose.

“My night was good,” I said.

Julia frowned. “Good? Your first night with someone and all you have to say is good? I didn’t see who you left with. So, who was it?”

“Fish for information all you want. My lips are sealed.” I smiled to take the sting out of my reprimand.

We weren’t at liberty to discuss who we’d spent the night with—it was inevitable that we’d see each other leaving with men, and sometimes women, so it wasn’t like it was ever a complete secret. But discussion about our sexual proclivities went against Rex policy. We had to protect our clients or at least give the illusion of discretion.

We’d all meet individually with Genevieve and tell her about the night and make a note of whether or not we wished to see that client again. It was a way for The Rex to keep tabs on clients without them realizing they were being intently monitored.

For any psychological upheaval, we would speak to Annika.

But Gen and Annika were the only two people we were allowed to discuss details with. Everyone else was off limits. Even the girls.

“Did you guys have a good night?”

They both nodded. Tiffany appeared like she wanted to say more, but she held her tongue and went back to eating a strawberry on her plate.

“I need coffee and food.” I stood, and as I approached the buffet area and grabbed a chocolate croissant and some fruit, my mind wandered back to Hadrian.

It had felt like regret when I walked away from him.

Chapter Eleven

The flight back to Dallas was quick and quiet. Most of the girls dozed, including Tiffany, who slept with a pink sleep mask over her eyes and a pair of noise canceling headphones.

When the private jet rolled to a stop on the tarmac, Genevieve stood up and said, “Well done, ladies. The event was a success, and we’ve been invited back for Elijah Padgett’s spring party. Before you leave for the day, please check in with Annika. She will hand out your necklace replacements.” Her eyes locked on mine. “Eden, I’d like to see you in my office when you get back to The Rex.”

I nodded, feeling my heart kick up in trepidation.

We got off the plane and slid into waiting town cars that drove us to The Rex. Because many of the girls were in some version of lingerie, we used the service entrance and took a private elevator to The Fifteenth Floor.

Annika was standing at her desk with black jewelry boxes labeled with Post-it notes.

One by one, the girls grabbed their boxes and then went to their rooms on the floor, no doubt to shower and clean up before leaving to enjoy their free day. Some looked like all they wanted was an empty bed to crash in for a few hours.

I hung back and waited until I was the only girl left. Annika handed me my jewelry box and said, “I’m here if you want to talk after you chat with Gen.”

I nodded and then went to Genevieve’s office door. When I knocked, I was told to enter.

Genevieve looked surprisingly well rested despite the fact that she’d been awake all night, overseeing the girls and making sure to be available if there had been any problems.

Then again, she hadn’t spent any time in a client’s bed, so she was one step ahead.

“Something to drink?” she asked, not rising from her leather couch.

“No thanks,” I said, sinking into the comfortable leather chair.

Genevieve kicked off her heels and tucked her legs underneath her, all of a sudden looking much younger than she appeared.

“So,” she began, her gaze direct. “How was your night with Hadrian?”


She peered at me. “You’re allowed to be more forthcoming than that with me, you know.”

“I know.” I smiled slightly. “I just don’t want to be.”

She paused for a moment and then said, “I had my doubts about you, but I’m glad to see that you’ve proven me wrong. I think you’ll do very well as a Rex girl.”

“Thanks,” I murmured.

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