Peasants and Kings - Emma Slate Page 0,104

and in that moment, I was a Rex girl once again.

Angelo stared at me for long enough to make me uncomfortable, but when he finally spoke, he addressed Hadrian. “She reminds me of Barrett Campbell.”

It was subtle, the tension of Hadrian’s thigh underneath me. “She’s nothing like Flynn’s wife,” Hadrian said, his hand stroking my back.

“It was a compliment,” Angelo stated. “Barrett is in a class above the rest.”

“She is,” Hadrian agreed.

Angelo suddenly smiled. “If Barrett were ever to be in the position of becoming a widow, I would pursue her. Even though she isn’t Italian. For her, I’d overlook that flaw.”

The wind changed, bringing with it the aroma of an oncoming storm, signaling the end of our time on the roof.

“I’ll show you gentlemen to the dock,” Hadrian said, gently patting me into standing. “Your guest house is on another island so you can enjoy your privacy. Take some time to settle in. The boat will come for you tonight at seven to bring you here. Dinner will be at seven-thirty in the dining room, and then we can discuss why I’ve asked you to come.”

“Thank you for the view,” Luca said with a wink at me. “The ocean was lovely, too.”

I stoically stared at Luca as Hadrian’s arm tightened around me. I placed my hand on his chest in a delicate but pointed signal to stand down.

“I told your beautiful companion about our home,” he said. “She didn’t seem impressed.”

Hadrian’s grin was fierce. “She doesn’t impress easily.”

“If you’ll excuse me,” I said, moving away from Hadrian. “I’ll leave you men to it. Feel free to continue discussing me when I am no longer within ear shot.”

I turned and headed to the door that would lead me to the stairs into Hadrian’s home. Even though the wind kicked up, I could still hear Angelo’s voice as he said, “She definitely reminds me of Barrett Campbell.”

“What are you doing? Why is Ingrid cooking? That’s Paulo’s job,” Hadrian said not half an hour later when he entered the kitchen.

I gently grasped Hadrian’s arm and led him away while Ingrid called out commands and barked orders like a drill sergeant. It was uncharacteristic of her, but Paulo and his crew jumped to, not at all bothered to do her bidding. There was something endearing about Ingrid’s ability to take charge, and it made me smile.

“We made a mistake offering the Moretti Italian cuisine.”

“How do you know that was a mistake?” Hadrian asked as we entered the den. “I didn’t hear any complaints.”

I went to the liquor cart and poured two glasses of amaro. I handed him one and then sat down on the couch next to him.

“Angelo made it clear when I was talking with him at the bar. We will never do better than they can do themselves. Not when it comes to Italian food. So, let’s not compete. Let’s show them something different.”

“Different like Scottish cuisine different?”

I grinned. “No. Ingrid’s cooking different.”

Hadrian smiled back. “Aye.” He pulled me into his side, and I kicked off my heels so I could curl into him. “How are you? Are you okay?”

“I guess. I can’t believe I just met my family and they don’t even realize who I am. I’m so…” I paused thoughtfully. “Angry, Hadrian. I’m so fucking angry. I hate them so much. I hate them for the way I grew up, for the fact that they gave my mother over to the Foscari and that because of them she chose to run. But you know what I hate more than all of that?”

“No, what?”

“I hate that I’m so damn curious about them.”

Hadrian’s hand stroked up and down my back. “I don’t like how he looks at you.”

“Luca? You don’t need to worry about him. He’s a harmless flirt. All part of the Italian charm. Besides, that’ll change when he realizes we’re related.”

“Not Luca. Angelo.”

My heartbeat escalated. “How does he look at me?”

“Like he’s trying to piece you together. He can’t take his eyes off of you. Even when you were standing on the terrace talking to Luca, Angelo’s attention always came back to you. It’s not sexual with him, it’s something else.”

“Do you think he knows who I am?”

“I don’t know. How much do you look like your mother?”

I shook my head. “Not very much. I guess I resemble my father. I wouldn’t know though, having never seen any pictures of him.”

We sipped our amaros and enjoyed the reprieve from our guests. I was still uneasy that Hadrian knew the Copyright 2016 - 2024