Peaches & the Duke - Ginger Voight Page 0,97

I always get.” He caressed my tummy. “When I claimed you, we created a son, bonding us together forever. That’s Jack’s origin. You understand?”

I nodded. He sealed our secret with a kiss.

I bid a sad goodbye to Ademar, a place I had dearly grown to love. I hoped one day we would conceive a child there, maybe right on that throne. The possibilities were endless.

On the way back to Hawaii, I called Fern. Unlike my mother, Fern was excited about the new development. She had only one concern. “Do you love him?”

“With everything I am, Fernie.”

“Oh, my God,” she breathed. “Do you know what this means? We get to plan our weddings together!”

I laughed. That was my sister.

It was a far cry from what either of us expected when we started this job all those months ago.

At least she was working. I had yet to write a word.

PING was there to greet us when we landed in Honolulu. They had figured out that we played hooky for a day, heading down to Ademar. They knew better than to follow, as Ademar had strict no-stalking laws, laws that were enacted when Princess Sofie had returned to the island for cancer treatment. One paparazzo had taken one photo of Sofie without her head wrap and Auntie Edwinna quickly passed legislation that no news organization could legally sell photos without the consent of the photographed unless it was related to criminal activity.

After that many notables trusted Ademar to keep their health and identities secret, which likewise bolstered their economy. People with a lot of money opted for the quaint island paradise where they could move about as people, not ants under a giant microscope.

It was kind of depressing to get back to the shark-infested waters where PING reigned, especially when the photo of my new ring circulated worldwide within a half-hour after our return.

News outlets had already reported the news Auggie had broken the day before in Ademar. People had done the math, so #royalshotgunwedding was trending by nightfall.

I stayed in our room while Auggie caught up on his rehearsals. No sightseeing for me, thank you very much.

The only exception was the doctor’s appointment that Friday. We got another sonogram in hopes that the placenta previa had corrected itself. Auggie held my hand as we waited for the news. “It’s marginal,” Dr. Hamish said, “but it’s still an issue. I’d advise exercising caution just wee bit longer.”

“Is this going to be a problem?” Auggie asked, voicing my concern.

“I would try not to worry too much before week 28,” she said.

We checked our calendar. That was early August. We’d be in London by then.

“I’ll meet you there,” she decided. “Keep the faith,” she said, patting my shoulder. “You’re doing great. Congratulations, by the way,” she said, noting the ring.

“Thank you,” I beamed as I squeezed Auggie’s hand.

“I know you’re in a hurry, but I wouldn’t recommend consummating any marriages just yet. There’s plenty of time for that.”

“We’ll be good,” Auggie promised. I knew it wasn’t the news either of us wanted, but we were both devoted to protecting Jack.

On the way back to the hotel, he even said, “I guess it’s a good thing you had your wits about you in the Throne Room. I’ll never forget the shock I felt when I saw you bleeding in that barn. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you or to our baby.”

I loved when he referred to Jack as his. I knew that was never going to be a possibility with Christopher, and was quite frankly glad for it, particularly after I found him outside my hotel room as I rolled the room service cart into the hallway.

“Hey, Peaches,” he said, dropping my given name so casually like he had always been using it.

I tried to escape back into the room, but he jammed his foot into the doorway, forcing it open. “What are you doing here?” I hissed. “What do you want?”

“I already told you. I want the exclusive. I’m sure a royal bride-to-be has a ton of secrets to spill.”

“I’m saving it for my book,” I gritted through clenched teeth.

He chortled. “You are really playing that ruse for all it’s worth, aren’t you? We both know you’re not writing a book. That’s never been what this was about. You wanted a rich baby daddy to leech onto, which is why you fucked him that first night.” I stewed as he continued. “Honestly, I would have thought Monica would be standing here right Copyright 2016 - 2024