Peaches & the Duke - Ginger Voight Page 0,72

It was only April, but the humidity was already heavy like a blanket around us. “Thank you for coming all this way, Dr. Hamish.” I extended a hand.

“My pleasure, Peaches,” she said. “I’ll see you in another month, wherever that happens to be. In fact, I rather look forward to it.”

“Me, too,” I laughed. “See you then!”

I watched her drive away, kicking up dust as she hit the dirt road to take her back to civilization. I embraced myself as I scanned the horizon. Huge clouds billowed up in the distance, tall over the line of trees just across the road and past the open pasture. It was picture perfect.

I headed inside to the big country kitchen, to see what was available for lunch. I figured Peanut and I could eat out on the porch as the thunderstorm blew in.

The fridge was filled with all sorts of healthy fruits and veggies, along with roast chicken and fresh eggs for protein. There was a package of cheese and a heaping bowl of grapes. I created my lunch around that, with a roast chicken salad as the starring attraction.

I carried it onto the porch where I settled on the swing. It was hot and humid, but the privacy was delightful. After all the big cities and the concerts, the quiet was a welcome a companion. I took my time eating, just whiling the time away as I swung back and forth, watching the clouds roll in.

At a little after two, my special cellphone rang. I didn’t even have to say anything.


I still turned to goo when he said it. “Hi,” I smiled.

“How did it go with Dr. Hamish?”

“She gave the green light,” I grinned. “But you’ll need to wear a condom.”

“Does she think I’ll get you pregnant again?” he chuckled. “Because I just might. How do you feel about twins?”

I laughed. “How do you feel about joining me in this big empty farmhouse?”

“Empty?” he repeated. “Clearly, you didn’t check the barn.”

I sat up with a gasp. He’d been there the whole time? “You’re here?” I squeaked. “Auggie!’

“See you soon,” he murmured before disconnecting the call.

Though I wanted to run across the pasture to the barn behind the house, I decided to fill a picnic basket with lunch for my man. He was going to need to keep his strength up. I packed a roast chicken sandwich, some more grapes and a couple of plump and juicy peaches, just cause.

When I got to the barn, he was already laying out on a blanket on top of a bale of hay, one straw hanging out of his mouth, and his shirt hanging open to reveal that spectacular chest.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” I accused as I approached, sitting on the blanket beside him.

His eyes were that deep shade of green they always were right before he kissed me. It was my new favorite color. “I was certain morbid curiosity would have you scouring the place for zombies.”

I laughed. He had referenced my favorite show, and all the pieces fell into place. “That explains the farm,” I giggled.

He opened the picnic basket to see what I brought. “Consider PING the mindless undead.”

I chuckled. “True story.”

“In all seriousness, everything is okay with Peanut?”

It warmed my heart that he called my little bean by name. “Everything is progressing normally. I’m officially in my second trimester, so things like morning sickness and breast tenderness should start to subside.”

“Excellent,” he said. “Now you can just relax and enjoy the ride.”

“Spoken like a man,” I said. “There’s a lot more yet to come, believe me.”

He studied me. “Are you nervous?”

I shrugged. “I try not to think about it. I mean, I’m not looking forward to the pain or discomfort, but I think I’m more scared of fucking everything up once he’s here.”

“You couldn’t fuck it up if you tried, Pea,” he gently assured.

“All parents make mistakes, Auggie,” I countered. “It’s scary, you know?” He nodded. “It’s the kind of thing that would keep me up at night if I weren’t so tired all the time.”

He plucked a peach from the picnic basket as he sat up. “Then you must allow me to stay on the farm with you. That way there will be something else keeping you up at night.” He bit into the peach with that irrepressible smirk. The juices ran freely down the corners of his mouth into his beard. It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen.

When I gasped, he threw the Copyright 2016 - 2024