Peaches & the Duke - Ginger Voight Page 0,62

and crossed his arms. His hard stare demanded some answers.

I gave him a weak smile. “So, that’s Auggie.”

“What’s going on, Peaches?” he asked. “Something’s up. I feel it.”

I shrugged. “He’s the Duke of Mayhem. What can I say?”

“Fine,” he said, gathering the trash from the table. “But if you need my help, you call me. Got it?”

I nodded.

He rose and we did as well. “I love you, Pea,” he said, pulling me into a fierce brotherly hug, which he added Fern to almost immediately. “Take care of her, Fernie,” he instructed.

“Always,” she said.

We stood for a long minute in that hug. The Three Musketeers. We were the original three kids, born two years apart, having grown up together while our parents dragged us across the country for this gig or that. Our love was every bit as fierce as our disagreements. But we had each other’s backs, 100% ride or die.

We were McPhees, for fuck’s sake.

To make sure we were in good hands, Archer introduced himself to Sean. I knew he won his respect in an instant just for the title he carried as a Major in the Queen’s army. Archer finally gave his blessing for us to go and we went our separate ways. He went back to his office. We went back to the hotel.

On the ride back, I munched on the dried auberries, which were one of the few foods that were Peanut-approved. How did Auggie know? How did he always manage to know?

A warm flush ran through my body as I thought of him. I knew I was falling, and fast. God, I was in so much trouble.

I knew I was locked into the roller coaster.

There was no stopping it now.

Chapter Seventeen

The next morning, I awoke to find another bowl of fresh auberries on the breakfast tray, along with some plain eggs, toast and some turkey bacon. The tray included a single bud vase with an Aldayne rose. I smiled when I saw it.

Fern flopped down at the table next to me, snatching a strip of bacon. “So. What’s on the schedule for today?”

“It’s a surprise,” I said.

“You can tell me,” she begged.

I laughed. “No, really. It’s a secret. I don’t know. But he wants both of us there. He said to wear something comfortable.”

“Alrighty then,” Fern agreed, ever ready to roll with the tide.

We got dressed in some leggings and flats and headed downstairs via private elevator to the car, which had already been filled with dozens of black and purple balloons. Each one featured the family crest in gold.

Fern and I faced each other. “Um…?”

But we made room for ourselves in the back before Sean got into the front to drive us to our mystery destination: a nondescript studio overlooking the Delaware River. A bus was parked there, and Auggie’s dance troupe was already filing out of it, carrying handfuls of balloons themselves.

Fern grabbed herself as many as she could fit in her hand and ran to meet Gavin, who approached. “Welcome to the circus,” he grinned.

“What’s going on?” Fern asked.

“You’ll see,” he promised with a grin, before helping us grab the strings of the balloons from the back.

We fell into step behind the others as they entered the large building. Inside it was decorated with the same black and purple, with a long table of goodies I already knew were Aldaynean. I could smell the Auberry cupcakes from where I stood.

Around the room were about thirty kids, all with various disabilities, who sat with their families. Everyone wore big smiles for the colorful group who had come to see them. I nearly burst right into tears, overcome by their true, genuine joy.

We followed the dancers’, who introduced themselves to the kids, handing them balloons, giving them hugs. Every single kid was celebrated by each member of the troupe, as well as Fern and me. The racket around the room was deafening as the party started in earnest once the food was served. There was even an Auberry sorbet, which… chef’s kiss.

Auggie’s music played in the background as we mingled, getting to share in the stories of each of the kids. Some were born with genetic defects. Some had become ill. Several children were cancer survivors, with one who was an amputee. I fell in love with each one.

Then, as if my heart couldn’t get any fuller…


I gasped and looked around. There he stood, tall and beautiful, instantly commanding the attention of the room.

“How is everyone doing today?” The room roared its happy response. Copyright 2016 - 2024