Peaches & the Duke - Ginger Voight Page 0,47

the plane.”

“Yes,” he agreed, and I could hear that smirk. “You should have. See you tonight, Pea.”

With that, he was gone.

By the time I got to my room, Auggie’s “friends” had arrived. I stood in the doorway watching racks of clothing roll in and a team of new people talking over themselves as they made themselves quite at home in my suite.

A man who was so impossibly beautiful entered the room, sucking all the air right out of it. He had a friendly hug for Audra, so I gleaned they were already acquainted.

He was so beautiful I couldn’t tell if he was straight or gay or somewhere in between. His face appeared carved out of marble, with a slight beard cradling his strong jaw. His hair was jet black. His eyes were dark brown. His smile, when he saw me, was instant. “You must be Peaches,” he said.

He took me into an immediate hug that practically lifted me up off my feet. “I am,” I confirmed.

He pulled away to properly introduced himself. “Jorge Navarro,” he said. “Stylist to the Stars.”

My eyes bulged a little bit. In my business, Jorge’s name was synonymous with style. He had made over quite a few starlets and entertainers over the last decade, but usually he did this all in Los Angeles. I certainly wasn’t expecting to see him here.

“Oh my God, hello!” I said as I hugged him again, hoping he’d forgive me for not recognizing him. “What are you doing in New York?”

He smiled. “If a Prince tells you to fly to New York, you fly to New York.”

I laughed. “Of course,” I repeated.

He toyed with my hair, inspecting the color. “Amazing job. Who did it?”

My sister, whose timing was impeccable, walked in the room, half a hot dog hanging out of her mouth as she tried to process the unexpected commotion. I pointed to Fern, who walked over to join us. “My sister.”

“Well, hello!” he said, reaching for a hug. “Your videos have revolutionized my workout. You’re a genius. Looks like in more ways than one!”

Her eyes bugged. Unlike me, she needed no introduction. “You’ve done my workouts?”

“Only recently,” he confessed. “But I love them. Please tell me you’ll be doing some more.”

“Soon,” she promised. “After all this.”

“After?” he said with a pronounced pout.

“I have a job to do here,” she said with a smile. She winked at me. “Kind of like a lady-in-waiting.”

I giggled at the inside joke.

“All right now,” he said with a smile of his own. “Girls who think big. I’m definitely in the right place. I have a friend I’d like you to meet.”

More friends? I thought. But I followed him into the first-floor bedroom where all the racks were being set up. There, a lovely full-figured redhead ordered the staff around. “Darcy Masters, I’d like you to meet Peaches McPhee.”

“Oh my God,” I repeated. Of course, I knew who Darcy Masters was. She was the design genius behind Cabot’s Youniquely You fashion line, making haute fashion accessible to women of all sizes. “It’s such an honor to meet you,” I said as I pumped her hand enthusiastically.

She laughed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Peaches. I adore your Instagram,” she said. “Such fun photos. You style yourself?”

I nodded, then referenced to Fern. “It’s a family affair.”

She grinned. “I can relate to that,” she said, likely referring to the fact her brother had married into the Cabot family. “Well, I was looking over your socials and I have pulled together a few looks for you, both casual and formal.”

“You what?” I repeated, confused.

“The Duke has commissioned my services to dress you for the tour.”

I chuckled to myself. “Of course.”

“Go ahead and make yourself comfortable in the living room. My models will be ready shortly.”

“Don’t take too much of her time,” Jorge warned. “She’s mine next.”

My head spun as I looked between them. What was happening?

Fern and I sat on the sofa as Jorge and his minions headed upstairs to take over the master bedroom.

What had been suggested as a “few” looks meant about twenty different outfits, several of which were interchangeable so, I could probably get about fifty different uses out of them. After about an hour, I felt more versed on fashion than I had ever hoped to be. Fern, true to her assistant duties, took copious notes and asked a ton of questions, and Darcy was willing to answer every single one. She was also willing to alter and amend if needed, going by whatever I Copyright 2016 - 2024