Peaches & the Duke - Ginger Voight Page 0,138

his curiosity was likewise spiked. Despite being about twenty people behind, those striking blue eyes sought me out and held my gaze as he approached.

Finally, Allan and Eloise were in front of me. They formally bowed to Auggie. I got a bare tilt of the head. I could see Auggie steam as he processed their disrespect.

Still, I wasn’t royalty yet. I held no title. I wasn’t even a Lady.

They passed me by quickly, which showed me how little they thought of me.

It was Cillian’s reaction that threw me more. When he finally reached us, he bowed to Auggie, then turned those striking silver-blue eyes my direction. He bowed formally before he reached for my hand. I offered it and he brought it to his lips. “Delighted to finally make your acquaintance,” he said in a low voice.

“Likewise,” I managed. I wondered if his greeting was every bit as insincere as mine.

“Perhaps you will save me a dance,” he said.

I didn’t know what to say so I merely gave him a brief nod to acknowledge the request. He didn’t even acknowledge Audra. I felt her stiffen beside me. I wanted to comfort her, but I didn’t know what the protocol was for that exactly. I gave her the faintest of smiles, which she returned before turning back to stone.

After Cillian passed, I caught Auggie staring at me. I wanted to offer a shrug, but I knew better.

After the guests had arrived, Audra directed Auggie and I to enter the palace. It was time for the Queen’s reception. A servant gave me the bundle of flowers. I fell into step beside Auggie as we approached the Throne Room.

Unlike the empty ones we had seen, the Throne Room at Shimmering Falls was elegant and bright, alive with the power Queen Maeve yielded from that one elevated chair. It sat atop four wide steps draped in dark purple velvet, under a dramatic gilded canopy. Purple drapes hang behind her. Black drapes hung above her. Guards were at either side, standing in front of the suits of armor that were on either side of the throne.

There were standing candelabras to either side, all burning brightly. They matched the crystal chandelier that hung over the middle of the room, where an ornate damask carpet led the path to the Queen. Small purple velvet seats lined either side for her audience, all stitched with gold thread. We waited for our turn to approach the Queen, in behind other guests bestowing gifts for her favor. Finally, they stepped aside. I saw Queen Maeve sitting atop her thrown, her scepter in hand, a full crown upon her head. She wore a silk gown the shade of orchids, with a black sash across her chest. Medals sat proudly atop her left breast, pinned to the Quinn tartan.

I had never been so intimidated in my entire life.

We stepped forward. I prayed internally not to trip, not to throw up in her face, not to embarrass Auggie in any way. I knew all eyes were on us from the other guests in the room, who had now taken their seats. We stopped just short of where the purple velvet rug ended. As Auggie bent deeply at the waste, I curtsied as low as Jack would allow. “Your Majesty,” we said in unison.

She nodded with a demure smile.

I held up the bouquet. “From Aldayne, Your Royal Highness.”

“Very good,” she stated with a nod, accepting the gift, and hopefully what it was supposed to represent. A guard stepped forward to take the flowers and we turned around to face the door leading out of the throne room. We would be the first for that processional, the Queen would be the last.

Auggie leaned closer as we left the room. “See? No vomit.”

I chuckled softly. “Yeah, but it was close.”

He laughed and squeezed my hand.

We led the way to the Grand Ballroom, which was every bit as gilded as the Throne Room had been. It was also filled with honored guests, including my family. Each McPhee jaw dropped when I entered on Auggie’s arm, wearing that dress complete with a tiara.

We were led to the main table on the stage, where the queen would ultimately join us, along with Princesses Giselle, Mariel and Fiona. To my very great surprise, my family was already seated at this table, all except for Fern and Archer, who sat with the Tremwells at the next table over.

I couldn’t help but notice that Archer had picked the seat next to Audra. Copyright 2016 - 2024