Peaches & the Duke - Ginger Voight Page 0,10

do with my family. They were the only ones who would have reason to call me that late at night.

“Hello?” I mumbled.

“Hello,” he said.

I bolted upright in bed. I knew that deep voice anywhere. “Prince Auggie!” I said at first, but then shook my head. That wasn’t right. “Duke Auggie,” I tried again, but that couldn’t be right either, could it? “Mr. Mayhem,” I tried, but that felt even more ridiculous. Shit, I didn’t know what to call this guy.

He chuckled. It was a sound so deep and warm it made my tummy tighten. I’m pretty sure that had nothing to do with the flu.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better,” I said. “I’m so sorry about the other day…” I started, but he cut me off.

“People get sick. Nothing to apologize about. We already sorted it out with your boss to reschedule.”

I could hear just a trace of his accent lingering about his words. He spoke perfect English, but there was an elegance to it. Kind of like Cary Grant.

I couldn’t think of anything to say, but I couldn’t just say nothing. “Oh.”

“We got your email,” he continued. “I really liked what you proposed. I’d like to discuss it with you at length. Are you free?”

My eyes widened. “What? You mean, like now? Like, two o’clock in the morning?”

“Yes,” he said, as if it were the most normal request in the world.

“I… suppose that would be okay?” I offered as I sat up in bed to accommodate his odd request. An interview in the middle of the night. Over the phone. With a prince. Sure, why not?

“Wonderful,” he said. “The car will be there in ten minutes. Someone will call you.”

“Wait, what?” I said, trying to process this strange conversation. What did he mean a car? Was I supposed to ride nearly three hours up the coast for an interview in the middle of the night? With a prince?

I glanced at the disconnected call on my screen.


Why not?

I had just enough time to get dressed and dash off a quick note to Fern by the time the car arrived. I headed downstairs to the street, where one of the nondescript servants stood like a shadow beside the open door. I ducked into the back of the car, which I had to myself. The door shut and off we went into the night.

The best thing about a middle-of-the-night interview was that there was no traffic. We made the trip in a little under two and a half hours, which meant it was still 4:30 in the morning when I exited the car in front of Sofie’s statue, which was now lit up in purple.

I followed the servant up the marble steps and into the house. Even with the lighting in the foyer, the line of metal soldiers cast a creepy vibe. I scurried behind the servant who led me to a new parlor, which had to have been called The Purple Room.

The walls were deep eggplant in color, with leather furnishings and a huge white grand piano in the corner next to some French doors that likely led out into another garden. The doors were open, so a light breeze filtered into the room.

Despite the elegant art on the walls, signed originals no less, and the regal fine furnishings, it didn’t escape my notice at any point that I was standing in a Gothic castle on an isolated mountaintop with one of the most eccentric nobles on the planet.

I was both excited and slightly scared, Thank the gods above I wasn’t nauseated on top of it. I’d have tossed my cookies for sure.

When he entered from the open French doors, it was a bit like a dream. Our eyes locked as he approached. I said nothing. I was simply incapable.

“Hello,” he said again, overwhelming my senses.

“Hi,” was all I could manage. He smiled and motioned to one of the charcoal gray, silver rolled-arm sofas upholstered in tufted leather.

“I hope this room is a little more comfortable,” he said as he sat on one end. His eyes locked with mine to watch me as I sat at the other. I sank gratefully onto the velvet cushions before my knees buckled.

I felt his gaze on me, catching every detail of movement. “Nothing breakable,” I joked, just to relieve the tension. “Smart move on your part.”

He chuckled and I covered my hands to hide the goosebumps. “You look much better today,” he noted, shamelessly inspecting me head to toe.

I scoffed. “I must have really looked a Copyright 2016 - 2024