Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,36

to the Sin’s MC. Then he wiped all the emotion off his face and growled. “Watch your back man.”

James gave Bane a nod and left the room.

Bane looked over at Bastian. “What do you think?”

Bastian picked up the SANG file James had compiled over the last twenty years. “I think it's time for us to move in and break up the SANG group. We need to find a way in and then we tear them apart.”

Bane smiled. “Fuck, I love a good fight, don’t you?”

Bastian grinned. “You know it, old man.”

Bane paused at this and raised a brow, his expression cold.

Bastian laughed. “Ah, cut that out will ya?”

Bane almost smiled.

A few hours later, Becky opened her eyes. She didn’t find herself in a dark cell or in pain. She looked around and found herself back in the bed she shared with Patriot. Turning her head, she noticed he was beside her.

His eyes were open and he’d been watching her sleep.

She met his concerned gaze. “What happened?” she whispered. Her throat ached and her hands trembled as she raised one to feel her throat. When she felt the gauze covering her throat, she grew afraid but waited for Patriot to explain. “What happened?” she whispered again.

Patriot leaned over and kissed her lips tenderly. “You had a flashback. I had to sedate you to stop you from hurting yourself. You thought someone was strangling you.” His words were calm and spoken softly.

“Did I hurt anyone?” she whispered.

“Only yourself.”

Becky closed her eyes and sobbed.

Patriot gathered her gently in his arms and held her while she wept. “Honey, it's okay.”

“No... it's not,” she cried looking up at him. “I can’t stay here. What happens if I hurt someone during one of these stupid flashbacks?”

“You aren’t going anywhere.” He growled at her. “Do you hear me? You belong here. You belong to me and I’m not letting you go anywhere. I can and will take care of you and these flashbacks aren’t going to last forever.”

“Do you promise?” She stared at him as tears ran down her face.

“Baby girl, you need time to heal and time to understand what happened to you wasn’t your fault. It was Blacky’s fault. He tried to break you but you didn’t give in to his plan. You are stronger than he ever could be and he’s in a place where he can’t hurt you anymore. He can’t hurt anyone ever again.”

“But I don’t want to hurt anyone, least of all you.” Becky sniffled through her tears. “I know I’m broken...”

“You are not broken. Nor will I ever let you say that again. You may be battered and bruised but bruises fade and heal and so will you. And I’m going to be there right next to you as that happens. Not only me, but Annie and Harry too, along with every fucking member of this MC will be there for you. Every day, no matter how long it takes. You belong here with me and don’t you forget that.”

Becky felt hope building inside her very soul. Blacky tried to end her but she hadn’t allowed him to do that. She fought to stay alive for her sister and now she would fight to be able to claim her place with this man. God, how she loved him. She promised herself to work harder at staying calm. She kissed Patriot sweetly and gently.

Chapter Twelve

Damen walked in the shadows as he followed Jase back to where he was staying. Jase was as bold as brass, almost like he didn’t care who knew he was there. Damen had learned that was dangerous. If you were here to kill someone, you shouldn’t advertise the fact. You wanted to get in, do the job and get out clean but Jase was doing everything he could to get noticed.

Damen slid deeper into the shadows as he watched Jase enter into his motel room. He stood there and waited for a long time before he saw the door open again. He followed the other man around town for a few more hours then back to the motel. After he watched the light go off in his room, Damen finally went back to his cabin.

But as soon as he walked into his room he sensed someone else had been there. They weren’t there now, this much was obvious but as he looked around the room he sniffed the air. A lingering scent of something that shouldn’t have been here. He couldn’t put a finger on what was Copyright 2016 - 2024