Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,24

but Damen thought he had pieced enough of it together. He knew from dealing with Levi for most of his adult life what kind of man Levi was but he never expected this of him. Levi knew almost from the start, who'd murdered his wife and stole his child, he just needed proof. He was there the day they found Randy and his family. But they'd missed him but only minutes. Damen was the one who’d found the small grey bunny. It was a toy his daughter might have played with, so Damen took it to him.

Levi’s eyes when he saw the toy told their own story. He hadn’t wanted the toy... he wanted Randy Sheen broken and bleeding in front of him. He didn’t even ask if there had been pictures of his child. He didn’t know then if it was a boy or a girl and he didn’t care.

Damen had just watched as he got back in his fucking limo and rode away.

Levi did not give a fuck but Damen had gone back into the house and searched it well. In one of the bedrooms, he found what he was looking for. A photograph of two small children. Both were girls and he knew the youngest one was Levi’s daughter.

He took the photo with him and carried it everywhere he went from that day forward. Levi didn’t deserve to get her back. He had been searching all these years for Randy because he dared to take something away from Levi, when he should have been looking for his daughter.

Now she did have a crazy man looking for her. Jase...

Damen had a choice to make, would he stay and help Jase or would he finally turn his back on the SANG group and protect the girl he’d been looking for all this time? Either choice left him cold but he had known that one day... he would have to make this choice.

Patriot was looking out the slats of the window covering, into the dark of night. As if Blacky hadn’t screwed over the club enough, now they had to deal with someone who wasn’t even a member. Randy Sheen had been a piss poor excuse of a man all his life and what he did to those two girls, left a bad taste in Patriot’s mouth.

Luckily for him, his woman had a sister like Annie. He turned his head and looked at his bed where Becky was resting. She was still recovering from dealing with Blacky and now, they had to deal with someone coming here to try and take her away again.

His hands tightened into fists as he turned to face the dark again. He couldn’t even contemplate losing his Becky now. She had worked her way into his heart and he’d be damned if he’d allow anyone to take her away from him. All this time while she’d been ill, he’d been falling for her. The courage she had, the pure tenacity to live and get better. After all the things Blacky had done to her, beneath all the misery, she still had hope and was still full of light.

This Damen Cole would be lucky to still be alive when the club was done with him. What worried him though was the second man they saw outside. Who was he and what did he want here?

When he turned back to Becky, he smiled as he found her awake and looking at him. She held out her hand to beckon him to come to her and he did. He closed the slats though first. He joined her in the bed and cuddled in behind her. “You will be safe here sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear.

Becky nodded. “I know. I just wish it wasn’t necessary.”

“It won’t always be this way.” He caressed her hair with his hand to soothe her. “We’ll take care of this Damen Cole person as well as anyone else who shows up to try and take you. This is your home now.”

Becky shivered and Patriot wondered why as he whispered into her ear, “What brought that on, baby?”

“I’ve never had a home before. At least not one that was mine,” she spoke softly. “When we were with Randy and Annie’s mom, it didn’t feel like a home at all. It was just a roof over our heads. I guess I didn’t know any better growing up. Then when it was just Annie and I, we tried to make it into a home but there Copyright 2016 - 2024