Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,20

to sleep, I’m just so tired all of a sudden.”

Everyone watched as she shuffled down the hall.

Gunner and Cobra looked at Annie for a moment. They all could see the tears running down her face. They knew the struggles the girls had endured.

She looked over at them and said, “She is worth something. Randy never gave her a thought after he brought her home with him. To him, she never mattered but she matters to me. She matters to me and I won’t see her broken by this. She’s suffered enough. I refuse to give up on her now. If Damen Cole thinks he can take her away from me, he’s got another thing coming.” She pushed up to her feet and snarled. “I will not let him take her away from me, not now, not ever.”

“Settle down.” Gunner growled. “We aren’t letting him take her either. She’s one of us now, and nobody takes what’s ours. I don’t give a fuck who he thinks he is.”

Damen returned to the compound closer to late evening. He figured the shadows would give him safe passage to get close to the clubhouse. He had hoped to slip in and get out without anyone knowing he was there in the first place but as he got closer, he noticed something had changed. The front gate was no longer open. Also, there were searchlights up and lit now.

The MC had been busy while he was away. He squatted on his haunches and studied the area well before he moved. He’d already taken note of the outside cameras and he knew there were men in the woods searching for him or any other intruder.

Damen had enjoyed this particular game before. Outfoxing the fox. He’d been playing it for years with the SANG group. While he preferred to get in and out with no one knowing he was even there, he knew the others did not know how to do this particular skill. Including Jase. Jase Brunner was a bastard of the worst kind. He enjoyed inflicting pain on his victims. If he were sent here to collect the girl, she would never survive the trip back to Kansas City. Jase would have no trouble lying to the boss about how she died either. He’d done that before. He would lay the blame on the MC, rather than tell the truth. Then all hell would break out, as Levi Silvers wanted his daughter’s return, not her death.

He would turn his wrath on the MC and Damen knew there would be no man standing when Levi got done. Now, Damen didn’t mind taking out the bad guys, he enjoyed it actually, but these guys had done nothing wrong. In fact, what they had done... was protect the girl. Blacky did deserve what happened to him and he was glad that bastard was gone. Blacky had known exactly who the girl was from the time he got his hands on her. Instead of calling Levi, he used and abused her to the point where she almost died several times.

When he met with the man, he almost bragged about his deeds. Then he betrayed Levi one last time when he beat her and left her for dead. For that, he allowed the Warriors to take back his head as proof of death.

Then Damen’s sixth sense kicked in as his spidey alarms raised the short hairs on the back of his neck. There was someone else in these woods with him. Damen went still for a moment and slowed his heartbeat. Then he used the skills he’d been taught. He soon tuned into where he thought the threat was coming from. When he turned his head, he saw Jase standing twenty some yards from where he was. The man was staring at the clubhouse.

Jase’s eyes glittered with rage as he slowly took two steps forward and stopped again. He stared for the longest time, then simply turned and walked out of the woods.

Damen was stunned at his actions. Then he sat down on the ground and leaned back against the tree to think about the situation. If Jase was already here, then Levi hadn’t trusted him to get the mission done in the first place. Damen gritted his teeth against the feeling of being betrayed by his own boss.

The longer he sat there, the more he knew he was right. Levi hadn’t trusted him to do his job and that pissed him the hell off. He’d done everything the man Copyright 2016 - 2024