Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,17

men knew what to say, so they remained silent.

“Well was he?”

“We don’t know for sure but the woman had a husband,” Gunner said. “We don’t know if her husband or Randy was your father but yes child, we think Randy did this to you and the woman who could be your mom. Why did he do it? We just don’t know how to even guess the answer to that question.”

“Everything makes sense now you know...” Becky shuddered. “When I was growing up, he would look at me some days like he hated me. He was always drinking and he was a very nasty drunk. Always talking and mumbling to himself about secrets, revenge and taking back what was his. We never knew what he was talking about but Annie always protected me from him when he got that certain look in his eyes. He was hardly ever home but when he was, he was always drinking. When he would get drunk, he often used his fists and it didn’t matter which one of us was closest. Mostly it was mom, as she wouldn’t keep her distance when he was home. But when it wasn’t her, Annie often stood between him and me. She would protect me from his wrath.” She let out a heavy sigh. “I always hated that she felt she had to do that. It was almost a blessing when he left us when I was twelve. I never missed him after he left that’s for sure.”

“And your mom?” Gunner wanted to know.

Becky shook her head. “No, we now know she was Annie’s mom not mine. After Randy left us the last time, she went a little crazy. She kept going out to look for him and coming back empty handed. Then she got the news that a certain man knew where he was. She went to speak to him and when she didn’t come back, we knew she was gone. She had given her life for him. To pay a debt she didn’t incur. Annie and I had to find our own way after that. Annie was seventeen at the time and we lived hand to mouth most of the time but Annie wouldn’t give up on us.” She chuckled as a thought came to her, “Well you know just how stubborn she can be. She wouldn’t give up on me and she taught me the same.”

Harry chuckled at this. “Yes, she did.” I don’t think I’ve ever known just how stubborn she could be until she started looking for you after you disappeared.”

“Do you know anything about this husband of Tessi’s?” Becky asked.

“Not yet,” Harry admitted. “I seem to have problems running anything down on the man.”

Becky turned back to the table and picked up the photo of Damen Cole. “And him?”

“We know he’s watching this place, but we’re still working on running him down,” Gunner explained.

Becky felt something inside her break. It flooded her soul with a helplessness she hadn’t felt in a very long time. “Do any of you know what he wants here?” she asked as her body began to tremble.

“No and that is what has us worried,” Cobra admitted reluctantly. “But since you want the truth, we think he’s watching for signs of you.”

“Me?” She frowned. “Why would he be watching for me?”

Gunner answered this, “Honestly, we think he was involved with Blacky and somehow, he knows about you but, he also might be working for Tessi’s husband of whom we still don’t know anything about. Whoever this Levi Silvers is, there isn’t much information about him.”

Becky frowned at the mention of the name Levi Silvers. The name sounded so familiar to her but she didn’t know why. Levi wasn’t an everyday name but she had heard the name before. She picked up the photo of Damen Cole again, and stared at it. She’d seen him in person a couple of times when she was with Blacky but she never knew his name or why he was there.

She noticed he wasn’t the green eyed man so that must mean he was the one with the gravelly voice. Those two were the only ones Blacky ever showed her to. Old green eyes made her nervous but this man? This man scared her with his intense glare through the opening in the door. Suddenly, her eyes went wide as she remembered something. She looked over at all three men sitting there and spoke softly, “Does the name SANG Corporation mean anything to any of Copyright 2016 - 2024