Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,14

giving up. I guess I should have expected a strong tie but I.. I never saw such a connection like this. Those two may not be sisters by blood but their ties are stronger than anything I’ve ever seen before. They are true sisters.”

Cobra then motioned to Harry to come out to the main room with them.

Harry turned to Patriot. “Let me know will you? If anything... changes.”

Patriot nodded, as he moved over to his table seeming to look for something.

The three men left the infirmary as Patriot, Becky, and Annie seemed to be in their own bubble.

Once all the men settled at the table where Harry’s computer was, Cobra told him, “You best find out what you can about Tessi Silvers and how it ties Randy to the event. If Tessi was her real mother, you need to find out who her father was. I think he will be the key here.”

“You might be right about that.” Harry nodded.

“What about the other two men?” Gunner wanted to know. “This Carl Womack and Damen Cole? What do we know about them?”

“Carl Womack is a political wanna be,” Harry explained. “He only thinks he’s got connections but he’s nothing more than a thug. He also runs a street gang. He figured getting cozy with Blacky would build his street creds. He works for the local mayor in Waco and thinks his boss will protect him but that bastard isn’t going to do shit for him.”

Gunner agreed with him, “Grizzly is gonna bust that gang up and put Carl Womack in jail for a very long time.”

“Is his boss going to allow that?” Harry asked.

“His boss isn’t gonna be able to stop it,” Gunner said. “Grizzly is working with the Attorney General himself. He’s going over his boss’s head completely. The AG was pissed that Grizz’s boss was taking all the credit and doing nothing to get it.”

“You had a long talk with Grizzly I take it?” Cobra asked.

Gunner nodded. “When Becky first told us about hearing his name mentioned I was pissed. Hell, most of the men were thinking he was a traitor. But when he explained everything, I could see where he was coming from. Once the AG has all the info and this takedown is complete, he’ll be back to explain to the brothers what his mission was all about. He’s simply taking out the trash and I think his boss is gonna have the cell next to Womack.”

Cobra looked over at Harry. “And Damen Cole? Have you found anything out about him?”

“Not yet. The man might not exist at all. Well, under that name anyway. The facial recognition program is still running.” Harry shrugged.

Cobra turned his head as if he could see through the walls into the infirmary. “I hope we can find something quick, I’m not sure how much more those women can take.”

“You almost sound like you got something to lose here.” Gunner studied the older man. “Care to explain why that is?”

“I had a woman back in the day. Thought I was in love with her. Actually, I know I was in love with her but I was too dumb to realize just what she meant to me back then. Then we were betrayed and the blame was put on her by the traitor and the lies he told us. She ran rather than stay and let the truth be known. I didn’t know it at the time but when she left, she took my unborn daughter with her. We hunted her down and four years later, we found her. She tried to tell me about my kid but at that point...” Cobra sadly shook his head. “I didn’t know if I could believe her or not. The real traitor to my club killed her before she could tell us the truth then he just got on his bike and rode away but he did get caught and died in the pen. I spent the next twenty years looking for my kid, a kid I didn’t know.”

“Did you ever find her?” Gunner wanted to know.

“Yeah, I found her. My woman begged her own mother to take care of my girl and her mother promised only after my woman paid her a shit ton of money to do it. Then when she wasn’t back the next morning, her mother threw my baby girl out. Turned her over to children’s services. My daughter grew up almost like those two girl’s in that infirmary. Then she got in Copyright 2016 - 2024