Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,12

will break her heart.” Cobra growled.

Annie hung her head. “Don’t you think I know that?” she whispered.

“Hasn’t she suffered enough then?” Gunner asked quietly.

Annie raised her head to glare at him. “Don’t you think I know that too? Do you for one moment, think this is easy for me? Randy Sheen was my father. His blood runs through my veins and I have never hated that more than today.” Tears rolled down her face. “This is going to kill her. She will never look at me the same way again. I’m going to lose my sister over something my father did twenty four years ago. You think you hate him? How the hell do you think I feel right now? He’s been tearing my family apart since the day I was born and even now, he’s doing it again from beyond the grave! Did he really think he could keep this a secret?”

She got to her feet and swayed. She was so upset she grabbed her belly as if she were in extreme distress. Before anyone could do anything, she dropped to the ground in a dead faint.

Cobra looked stunned as he scooted back, giving Harry room to get to his woman.

“Annie!” Harry shouted as he jumped out of his chair, rushed around the table and dropped to his knees beside her.

Gunner got up and moved out of the way while yelling for Patriot.

The sound of footsteps came closer to the main room as Patriot and Becky rushed in.

Becky stopped still when she saw her sister lying on the floor and cried out her name then rushed over to her.

Patriot knelt next to her and grabbed her wrist to check her pulse. He began checking her vitals as he asked what happened.

Harry looked up at Cobra then glanced at his computer.

Always being quick, Cobra got the message. He closed the lid so no one would see the article they had just read.

“She got upset about something and passed out,” Harry told Patriot. “Are she and the baby going to be okay? She hit the floor pretty hard. I-I was on the other side and couldn’t get to her in time.”

“I don’t know yet.” Patriot looked distracted. “Let's get her back to the Infirmary and I can check her out.”

Harry gathered her in his arms and carried her back to the infirmary.

Becky twisted her hands together as she was clearly agitated and followed them back.

Cobra whispered to Harry, “You go with your woman. I don’t want that article seen by Becky until you guys have a chance to dig a little deeper.”

“That might be best,” Harry agreed. “I want to follow up on it and find out exactly what happened and who the woman was before we tell her. There’s no sense in upsetting her without knowing any more than we do now.”

Gunner and Cobra watched as they all headed down the hall.

Gunner looked over at Cobra. “We need to do some digging and find out answers before they tell that girl anything.”

“They shouldn’t tell her anything at all,” Cobra spit out through gritted teeth. “They should just let the past alone and move on.”

Chapter Five

In the Infirmary, Patriot checked Annie over carefully.

Becky came up behind him and whispered, “Is she going to be all right?”

“I hope so but until she wakes up I won’t know,” Patriot replied. He paused then turned and pulled Becky into his embrace. “Sometimes this happens, there’s nothing you or I can do, it just happens. I’m going to try my best to bring her back to us, to you, because I know the next few days are crucial to us all and you need her. But just remember, both you and her will have our protection. And no matter what we find out about you, you will always be part of us and a big part of me.”

Becky stared at him for a moment then turned to look at her sister. “Annie is all I’ve ever loved or known. Every day since the day I was born, she’s been beside me, watching over me. Keeping me safe. They must have found out something about my past and I know she doesn’t want me to know. But I don’t think there's anything they can tell me that is worse in my opinion than losing her.” She turned and looked over at the other three men standing close by. “Tell me what she found. I need to know. We share everything and now, is not the time Copyright 2016 - 2024