Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,11

What did you find?”

Annie sat there for a moment then said, “You know that flash drive I took from Randy a few months ago?”

Harry nodded. “Yeah, what about it?”

“Well, a couple weeks ago, I found something on it. I didn’t think about it then because I was really busy looking for Becky, but when this came up, I went back and checked it out.”

“What did you find?” he asked her carefully.

She sighed. “That’s just it. It could be a lead or it could be nothing at all. It was just a name and date but I’m wondering why he would keep just a name.”

“What was the name?” Harry frowned.

“It was in a file marked KC- The name was Tessi Silvers and the date, 1996. He didn’t write anything else just that, almost like he didn’t want any evidence in case someone else should ever see the file. Whatever he would have written were in his memories, he kept any info in his head.” She shook her head. “The only problem is that there is no Tessi Silvers listed anywhere back in 1996. Not here in Texas anyway.”

Harry frowned. “Did you try other places?”

“Like where?” She groaned. “KC is not much to go on you know. That could be anywhere.”

Harry leaned forward in his chair and reached for his laptop. “Well, let’s try the obvious, KC could be Kansas City.” He began to type again.

As she leaned over she could see that he was running down the name in a number of places associated with Kansas City.

A few short minutes later, his expression changed.

Staring at him, Annie knew he’d gotten something but it didn’t look like it was anything good. She leaned forward and whispered, “What? What did you find?”

Harry raised his head slowly and stared at her. For the longest time he couldn’t speak, then he whispered, “Your dad might have murdered a pregnant woman.”

Annie sat back in her chair stunned. She and Harry stared at each other for what seemed a very long time before she slowly turned her head and looked at Becky.

Her sister seemed to feel better now under Patriot’s care.

She was laughing a little while being held in Patriot’s arms.

With a sigh, Annie looked back to Harry, then she leaned forward and read the article he'd found. She didn't want to but she knew she'd better. A few moments later, she hung her head and began to softly cry.

Cobra watched the two of them and he knew they'd found something important. The way Annie looked it wasn't something good either. He glanced over at Gunner and nodded. “I think we should check out what they found but I don’t think Becky needs to know about it yet,” he spoke low so as not to be overheard.

Gunner stared at the man sitting next to him for a moment then turned to meet Patriot’s gaze. He motioned with his head to get Becky out of the room.

Patriot nodded and bent his head to talk to Becky.

A minute later, he got up and carried her down the hall.

Once the infirmary door shut, Gunner and Cobra got up to walk over to where Annie and Harry were sitting. Cobra sat down beside Annie and Gunner sat down on the other side of Harry.

“You two look positively sick about something,” Cobra commented as he chewed on a toothpick.

“We found out something that could be connected to Becky,” Harry replied. “It ain’t good.”

“Knowing Sheen, did you think it would be?” Gunner quipped.

“No, I didn’t think it would be all roses and shit.” Harry sighed heavily. “But I...we never expected this.”

Annie blew her nose as she got herself together and sadly admitted, “This is really bad, almost unthinkable.”

Harry turned his laptop around, so they could read what he found.

Both men were silent as they read the newspaper article from twenty four years ago.

Gunner leaned back in his chair first. He just shook his head.

Cobra shoved his chair back and stomped off. He swung the kitchen door open so hard it slammed against the wall behind him.

A few minutes later, they heard a crash but no one got up to check it out.

Cobra came back to the main room with a towel wrapped around his fist. When he sat down, he turned his glare at Annie. “You cannot tell your sister what you found. Your old man deserves what he got.”

“I agree but I can’t keep this from her either.” Annie shook her head. “She has the right to know who she is.”

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