The Pastor's Heart - By Desiree Future Page 0,24

She could see herself hosting many barbeques there with Kingston.

Sinclair jumped to her feet. She had to get that notion out of her head. What was she thinking? She couldn’t possibly be falling in love with Kingston, for Pastor Carter of all people. Maybe she needed some water or something to get her back to her senses. She couldn’t be the pastor’s wife; she didn’t even know what that meant. Wife! Sinclair screamed in her mind. She had just met the man and already he had said marry her in the same phrase. This just had to be wrong. She should have had her morning coffee because things would have made better sense.

Kingston stood in his kitchen replaying the kiss over and over in his head. He could have sworn it was the fourth of July because he definitely felt sparks between them. He looked at the calendar and it was only June tenth. He knew if he didn’t separate himself from her for a few minutes he would lose his religion. He opened the freezer and stood there a moment, blankly staring at the contents. This was to cool him off because holding and kissing Sinclair had his loins about to burst. He had never been with a woman who made him feel the way Sinclair did. After their kiss he knew exactly what he was feeling for Sinclair, he was falling for her.

Kingston got himself together and went to Sinclair in the backyard. “If you thought dinner was great wait till you taste this.” Kingston announced as he came out with two small plates in his hands.

“I hope you like Banana Pudding.” Kingston said to a smiling Sinclair.

“Do I ever? It’s one of my favorite desserts, you look like a keeper. I think I am going to keep you around for a while because you’re spoiling me Kingston.” Sinclair added as she dug into her banana pudding.

“Everyone deserves to be spoiled every now and then. I remembered on our first date you really didn’t have anything to eat but you had white chocolate ice cream. I figured you for a dessert type of person being that you can’t cook.” Kingston remembered that day well, it was the first time he had met a woman that didn’t know how to cook.

“Well you figured right because I am addicted to white chocolate. Banana pudding is a second on my list of favorite desserts,” she admitted. “My addictions have helped me put on these pounds and that’s why I’m a size sixteen now.” She added as she patted her thighs.

Kingston put his spoon in his bowl. “I love the way you are. There is nothing wrong with being a thick woman; I just need you to be healthy. And did you ever hear me once complain about the way you look? The only complaint that I have is of you juggling a thousand things. It seems you do everything for everyone but never anything for yourself. Can you tell me why?”

“I don’t do everything myself.” Sinclair lied through her teeth; she hoped God didn’t strike her down for lying to a man of God.

“I beg to differ Miss Madison. Correct me if I’m wrong as I go through this.” Kingston said as he undid his tie.

“What?” A confused Sinclair asked.

“You run a non-profit business that helps people get the basic necessities that they need. You get donations from all over which requires you to drive to other cities to retrieve the items. You speak at engagements to try to get support for your business. You drop everything for your clients to get them what they need at a moment’s notice if necessary.”

“But..” Sinclair tried to interject when Kingston put his finger to her lips.

“Let me finish. You neglect enjoying yourself because you don’t have time. And you repair your own car in the process and did I forget you take care of the backyard for your landlord. Did I miss anything?” Kingston had remembered every single thing that Sinclair had done and it had really bothered him to know she took on so much.

“Okay, so I lied but I’m used to it, it’s nothing,” Sinclair brushed it off and continued eating her dessert.

“Well that’s a lot of nothing that you do. You need to slow down.” Kingston was really concerned because Sinclair had her hands full.

“Thanks for your concern, but I’ll be all right. Besides I have help, I have Sasha my assistant and Oliver,” she said matter of fact.

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