The Pastor's Heart - By Desiree Future Page 0,20

he was at church. Wearing a blue and black skirt suit, she intended to fix her car in her three inch heels.

Just as she was about to lean in to the car, her cell phone started ringing.

“Step away from that car right now.” Kingston demanded of Sinclair.

“What? How did you know?” A confused Sinclair asked as she backed away from the car as she was told. She looked around trying to figure out how Kingston knew what she was doing.

“I just passed you on the highway and I know those attractive legs anywhere. I’m swinging back to get you, I’ll be right back.” Kingston replied as he headed for the next exit ramp to get off.

Just as the smoke started to disappear from Sinclair’s car Kingston pulled up.

“Are you all right?” Kingston asked Sinclair as he stepped out his black Lincoln Navigator. “I know you were not about to try and do anything to a smoking car? That’s dangerous.” Kingston asked, looking into Sinclair’s gorgeous eyes as he folded his hands in front of him.

“Look, it wasn’t that bad,” Sinclair went on. “Besides, I’ve done it before.” She answered as they waited for the remainder of the smoke to go away.

“You’ve done it before?” Kingston asked strangely. Sinclair had many traits about her that he did indeed like, but this stubborn do everything by herself thing definitely had to stop. “So now you are a mechanic too among the other hats you wear? From now on you are not to try and repair your car yourself. Got it?” Kingston told her as they went over to the car which had finally stopped smoking.

“I got it.” Sinclair simply replied. She knew she would have been able to fix her car herself or at least do a patchwork job until she got to the mechanic. Just having Kingston there banning her from doing it brought a small smile to her face. She could get used to this treatment.

“Now what seems to be the problem here?” Kingston asked looking into the hood of her car.

“I don’t know, but I think it needs water. My car started making a weird sound and then it just stopped and smoke came out of the hood when I opened it. Kingston, I’m in a bind right now. I have a client who has a job interview in less than two hours and I have to get her these clothes. I need to get to Somerset like now or she will not make her two-thirty interview. What am I going to do?” Sinclair rambled on since she was so upset.

“Sinclair, relax, everything is going to be fine.” Kingston took Sinclair’s hand into his and looked into her distressed eyes. “This is going to work out.” Kingston replied, trying to calm Sinclair’s rattled nerves while he rubbed her arm.

“I’m sorry. This is just a bit much right now so forgive me. This girl has been through so much. Getting this job would mean she can afford to rent a room and not have to stay at the shelter anymore.” Sinclair said to Kingston, who was still looking inside the engine.

“It’s no problem, I totally understand. Now here is what we can do. We can call AAA and tell them we will leave the car on the side of the road. They can take it to your mechanic while I drive you in my truck to deliver the clothes. We will even drop her off at the interview and wait until she is done. Now grab your stuff and let’s go,” Kingston instructed Sinclair as she grabbed what she needed and jumped into Kingston’s Navigator.

“I still cannot understand how in the world you got us all the way to Somerset in less than thirty minutes,” Sinclair said in pure shock.

“My best friend Simon owns a limo company and a lot of his clients are high profile politicians. He has to be able to drive quickly and safely to be able to get away from any harm at any time. He basically showed me how to get there fast and safe. My parents don’t like when I drive like that because it scares them.” Kingston said with a chuckle.

“I am not condoning speeding, but it did come in handy today. And your driving didn’t scare me at all. What scared me was the thought of not being able to deliver the clothes on time. That’s what really scared me the most. I really, really appreciate everything you did for me today. Copyright 2016 - 2024