Pasta Imperfect - By Maddy Hunter Page 0,72

her head close to mine. "George says he's got a surprise for me."

Oh, God. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Go easy on him today, okay? Replacement caps aren't cheap, and Medicare doesn't cover dental."

"You bet."

Chirrup chirrup. Chirrup chirrup. Chirrup chirrup.

I pulled my phone from the overflowing disorder in my shoulder bag and pressed it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Ti amo, bella."

Warmth rippled through my body. "I love you, too," I said breathlessly.

"I have bad news for you, darling. My contact in the department has been called away. Family emergency. So I won't be able to supply you with any more information until I return to Switzerland. I'm sorry."

Good thing I'd put Nana on Gabriel's scent. It always paid to have a reliable backup. "That's no problem. I'll manage. But thanks for all your help. I do believe you've earned a reward for your efforts." I spied Duncan in the hall talking to the front desk clerk. "I take requests."

"An evening alone with you, bella. Champagne. Satin sheets. Candlelight. Massage oil." His voice dipped lower. "My tongue. Your flesh."

HOOCHIMAMA! "My calendar is open."

"So was mine until...early this morning. I might as well tell you, Emily. I was going to take the train to Montecatini to surprise you, but the department called about an hour ago to ask my assistance on a jewelry heist that took place last night at the local Bucherer store."

I remembered Bucherer. Last October I'd bought a watch there that had kept perfect time for all of one hour. "You have to go back to Lucerne?"

"On the evening train. I'm sorry, darling. I was hoping that seeing you again might jog my memory with regard to what I should have done in Ireland, but --"

"But you're on leave! Can't someone else handle the jewel heist?"

"It's my specialty, Emily. They need me. I've completed my duty to my family. I've had my fill of the casino. I haven't suffered a headache in almost two weeks." He paused. "I suspect it may be time for me to get back to work."

I realized I would have felt less disappointment if I'd never learned he was planning to surprise me. Damn. I heaved a sigh. "I miss you so much."

"I'm sorry, darling. It won't always be like this. I promise you."

But his words felt hollow to me at that moment. I needed more than words. I needed him.

Surly and frustrated, I shoved my phone back into my bag and headed for the lobby stairs. Duncan was just finishing up his conversation with the desk clerk and flagged me down as I approached him in the hall. "Can you spare me a minute before you head off?"

I stopped and forced a smile to my lips. "A minute is about all I have."

"About yesterday, Emily, I apologize if I --"

"No, no, I'm the one who should apologize -- insisting that the police drag you out of bed to deal with Sylvia. If it's not them, it's me, right? You probably haven't had a decent night's sleep since we've been here."

He favored me with a smile that fit easily on his face. "You can drag me out of bed anytime."

Oh, no. I wasn't going there.

"Tell me, Em, how do you remain so calm and collected in the presence of a fresh corpse? Most people completely wig out. What's your secret?"


"I'm sorry?"

I shook my head. "I need to meet my mom, Duncan, so I really have to --"

Pulling me close by my shoulder strap, he bent down and kissed my mouth lightly, quickly, like a thief. "I was referring to yesterday afternoon," he whispered against my lips. "At the cafe in Pisa. I'm sorry if I seemed too brash, but I need to be honest with you." And then he kissed me again, deeply, urgently, like a man who knew exactly what he wanted. "I meant every word."

Chapter 11

What's wrong with you?" Jackie asked outside my room minutes later.

I exhaled a long, exasperated breath. "I'm swearing off men."

She gave me a narrow look before throwing her arms around me and crushing me to her chest. "You're switching teams? That is so brave. So modern. So..." She stumbled backward and gaped at me, her eyes looking as if they might fly out of her head. "You don't have your sights set on me, do you? Oh, jeez, Emily, I'm really flattered, but, I'm a happily married woman!"

Speechless, I regarded her a full ten seconds before thrusting my room key in the lock and opening the door. Copyright 2016 - 2024