The Pass (Smart Jocks #5) - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,52

inner thighs and over my pussy. All the nerve endings bloom back to the surface. Once he’s finished, he follows it up by dropping open-mouth kisses along my hips and lower stomach. His nose edges down along my clit and then his tongue darts out.

I squirm underneath him. His arms loop around my legs and push them farther apart as he settles between my thighs. He’s in no rush this time. Every swipe of his tongue, suction, and nibble is done at a leisurely pace.

It’s no matter, though. He brings me to the brink quickly all the same. I grind against his mouth and tug at the thick strands of hair on his head.

This time, when the orgasm rips through me, I can’t even remember his name let alone call it out. I fall back boneless and satiated.

“I can’t believe we could have been doing this all along. I want to kick myself.”

“I thought the same thing earlier,” I say, eyes closed. “It doesn’t matter. We’ll make up for all of it and then some.”

Since neither of us has much in the way of energy, we warm up food and bring it to bed. We sit up talking and eating. We don’t bother getting dressed. Legs crossed and knees touching, we share what’s left of the two-day-old takeout.

“I think I like that one better,” I say around a mouthful of food and nod toward his.

“Here, last bite.” He extends the fork toward me and I take it.

He sets the empty container on the bed. “What do you say about taking the boat out tomorrow?”

“Sure, that sounds fun. I can work on my tan.”

His gaze drops to my boobs again. For as self-conscious as I am about them, he seems to like them just fine, tan lines and all.

“You misunderstood. I want to teach you to take her out. But I won’t complain if you want to be a topless captain. Captainess? Is there a feminine version of captain? Captainette?”


“Yeah. We’ve got two weeks left, plus our annual trips, thought you might want to know how.”

A vision of us ten years from now out on the water together, me driving and him kicked back looking happy and relaxed dances in my mind.

Captain or passenger, I don’t really care as long as we hold on to that promise to see each other. Everything beyond that just doesn’t matter.



We don’t make it out of bed the next morning. Not the afternoon either. Sometime midmorning I declared that no one could leave the bed all day except to go to the bathroom. A day filled with all the sex.

“Do you want to go out for dinner?” Tanner asks as he traces small circles on my stomach, his head resting on my chest.

“You mean like get dressed and leave the house?”

He gently bites the peak of one breast. “Technically, I still owe you two dates, and we can come right back here and get in this bed when we’re done.”

“I think the three orgasms last night and the two today cover whatever you had planned for date four and five.”

Crawling up my body, the glint in Tanner’s eye is sexy as hell. He takes my lips, and then his stomach growls so loudly, I giggle into his mouth.

“All right, fine. I call uncle. We can leave the bed.”

He jumps up and then comes to a halt. I’ve deprived him of food to the point he’s more excited about that than sex.

“Woah, I just got a little lightheaded.” He squeezes his eyes shut and wobbles to the side. “Turns out man can’t survive on orgasms alone.”

I stand and wrap my arms around his neck. “Just out of curiosity, what were date four and five?”

“Date four was renting jet skis and going out on the lake, which we should definitely still do, and date five… involved a lot of candles and wine and a sexy striptease.”

“Ooooh, I could get down with the latter,” I say and sway my hips.

“Oh no, babe, the striptease is for you.”

I grab his shirt off the floor and hand it to him. “I’m going to hold you to that, but first let’s feed you before you pass out on me.” I look around the room for my clothes. “And maybe clean up this place. It stinks like sex and eucalyptus and something else.” I take a step and the scent follows me. “Oh no, that third awful smell is me. I need a shower.”

“I have an idea. I’ll go grab enough food Copyright 2016 - 2024