Party Foul - Abby Knox Page 0,5

or something.

And then Levi’s brain immediately went to a place where a fight-then-sex club sounded pretty fun, and he wished it was real.

“I’ve broken up enough bar brawls at my place of employment to know it ain’t as cool as you think it is,” he said.

She replied, lifting her chin defiantly. “That why it says Brute Squad on the back of your shirt?”

“You been watching me?”

“The size of it is kinda hard to miss. The bright yellow lettering, I mean.”

“It’s a nickname somebody gave the bouncers, and it stuck.”

She nodded with interest. “Get into a lot of fights, do you?”

“Like I said. Rowdy place full of people acting like assholes and trying to start shit.”

“Crow Bar is Skirmish City Center is it? Cool. Can’t wait to come back to see that.”

What am I doing, hovering so close I can breathe in the scent of her fruity shampoo? Do not engage with her little game. Do. Not. “I like to think of it more as Melee Metropolis,” he replied, unable to keep his top lip from twitching in mild amusement.

She laughed. “Kerfuffle Corner?”

Levi had to use every muscle in his face to keep from laughing. “The Borough of Brouhaha,” he said.

The little angel looking up at him and laughed even harder, her face letting go of the tension and fear he’d seen there a moment ago. Levi pursed his lips, fighting against the smile that threatened to bubble up, destroying any attempt to scare her away.

“You’re funny,” she said.

Levi’s body moved before his brain could stop him, and he had her backed up against the exterior wall of the bar. “Jokes turn you on too, little girl?”

She opened her mouth to answer that question. As for Levi, his big hand planted on the rough bricks, he angled his face down, down, down until their lips almost met.

“I’m not a little girl. I’m a grown-ass woman, so I’d appreciate it if you knocked that shit off.”

He moved his face back a centimeter as he spoke, just barely brushing her cheek. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You’re absolutely right. You are most definitely…”

He bent his head down and sniffed her neck, savoring her small intake of breath. And then he did something he really shouldn’t have done, which was to lean back a little, raise his nose in the air, and inhale slowly, like a tracker in the woods trying to pick up a scent.

“A grown woman.”

He watched her lips swell slightly. All he had to do was kiss her, and it would be good. Fuck, he knew it would be great. But that would be a mistake. She would ensnare him with that sweet mouth. He had no right.

She didn’t reply, only stared in rapt anticipation, waiting to see what he would do next. Once again he leaned in close and spoke into her ear, watching the skin of her neck grow tiny bumps as his breath washed over her. “You talk like a woman, dress like a woman, smell like a woman. You get all hot and slippery like a grown-ass woman who knows what she wants, too?”

He waited for her to meet his lewd question with a Fuck you, asshole. That’s how a true Newcastle broad would answer when getting hit on by a meathead such as himself. That’s how she should answer, if she knew what was good for her.

Her small body felt warm against his, even separated by his leather and her wool coat. The curve of her breasts pressed into his ribs.

Her pink tongue poked out and wet her lips. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?”

She’d done it. That was the trip wire and he was triggered. There he was, kissing her, falling face first into the endless source of honey of her mouth. His hand that had been choking Jerry Walls a minute ago was now holding him steady against the bricks, but this hot little smartass sucked his soul into a black hole from which he knew on some level that he would never return.

Her lips yielded against his hard mouth. She tasted like some kind of berries that used to grow wild in the wooded lot behind his childhood home. Raspberries, he thought it was. Her mouth opened to him at the slightest swipe of his tongue. He didn’t know her name, but her welcoming tongue told stories and her tender lips made sinful promises. She was full of sweetness and fire, and it crept under Levi’s skin.

He was in so Copyright 2016 - 2024