Party Foul - Abby Knox Page 0,48

local law enforcement, I consider it a win.”

Levi snarled. “You fuckin’ know what I’m talking about.”

Kaylee huffed and narrowed her eyes. “Levi, you’re being rude to my friend.”

Through gritted teeth, Levi replied, “I know you’re no fan of mine, Kaylee, but this dude ain’t your friend. He’s trouble.”

Christoph snorted, playfully nudged Kaylee on the shoulder, and said he’d call her later. Levi and Kaylee watched as Christoph mounted his bike and rode away noisily.

After the racket faded down College Street, Kaylee rounded on Levi. “Listen, I don’t know what your game is, but who I’m friends with is none of your business.”

Levi nodded. “I know. But that guy is mobbed up to the teeth. His dad is kind of an important figure in organized crime. I shouldn’t even be telling you this, ‘cause it could get me hurt.”

When her derisive laughter calmed, she continued, “My, you do have a high opinion of yourself.” She looked him up and down. “I can guess what she sees in you. Arrogant, big, gruff-looking and you’ve got those muscles working for you. But you ought to know something. Fiona isn’t going to settle for just another Dockside nobody.”

“Good,” he said. “I wouldn’t want her to settle.”

“Good, I’m glad we understand each other. And another thing.” Kaylee held up one manicured finger for emphasis. “I know this girl has a reputation in the press. They love to bring her down a peg whenever they can. But Fi is a sensitive soul.”

“I know that.”

“Do you? Do you also know that she’s had a grand total of zero serious boyfriends in her life? Yes, plenty of dates, plenty of mishaps. One time I had to call the American embassy in Chile when she had her passport taken by some local drug lords. Another time I had to wire money to Kansas when a college football tailgating party got out of hand and her purse got stolen. It’s not because she’s a rebel or doesn’t want to settle down. It’s because she trusts people too hard.”

Levi’s head was spinning. “Is there a point to all these crazy stories other than to make me wanna wrap her up in bubble wrap and mow down everyone who comes near her?”

Kaylee rolled her eyes and made an exasperated noise, the way that only 20-somethings can make. “The point is, Levi, that if she’s spending more than five minutes of her time with you, she likes you. She trusts you. But me? I do not trust you.”

“Are you finished?”

She nodded, still looking down her nose at him somehow, even though she was almost an entire foot shorter.

Levi said, “So you’re suspicious of me ‘cause Fiona’s making her own decisions. And you’re mad ‘cause she ain’t gonna be at your beck and call anymore. No more palling around with the governor’s daughter, getting into the right parties. Guess what, I don’t give a shit about any of that stuff, and she knows it.”

“Aren’t you just the saint?”

Levi replied, “Nah. But you know what I think? I think you’re the one who’s been speaking anonymously to the press. You don’t love her, you love her reputation. You revel in it.”

A stand-off followed until Fiona appeared in the doorway of the house to announce, “I think that’s everything! Oh! Glad you two are getting to know each other!” With her white powder-puff dog sitting pretty inside her own pink designer bag, Fiona bounded down the stairs and hugged Kaylee’s arm.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving me with Pete,” Kaylee pouted. Fiona petted Kaylee’s hair and said, “I promise we’ll get together soon.”

As they waved goodbye, Levi called, “Nice getting to know you, Kaylee!” Kaylee returned his goodbye with a death glare before turning her attention to her phone.

Roger led the way to the beach house; Levi drove Fiona in his Monte Carlo, with Brioche safely buckled in the back seat. Keith followed them in a second black SUV. Levi felt self-conscious about it, like he was in the middle of a parade or something, but there were more important things to talk about.

“Listen. You should know your friend Kaylee is friends with a mob guy.”

Fiona had been turned around in the seat, trying to pet Brioche, who was whining. “Excuse me, what now?”

Levi told her everything he’d seen that day, and included details about how he’d met Christoph before, and who Christoph’s father was.

Fiona continued to pet Brioche, who was finally settling down. “You know, I wonder if that was the unidentified person in those photos…” Copyright 2016 - 2024