Party Foul - Abby Knox Page 0,31

her head and slipped his length back inside her mouth, sliding it as far back as she could physically take it.

“You ready? Blink once if you’re ready.”

Fiona blinked, feeling a further rush of dampness between her legs as Levi took control of her. His hip thrusts were slow but firm, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat. Even as he increased the pace of his in-and-out movements, he still took such care, stroking the back of her scalp as he orchestrated her movements. The rhythmic contact against the back of her throat soon had her eyes running from the automatic gag reflex. Not wanting him to think she was hurting him, she caressed and squeezed his thick, masculine thighs with her free hand while he continued his quickening thrusts. She reached back and squeezed his ass, finding his muscles there to be just as taut as the rest of him. Fucking Hercules, she thought.

“Look at you. Mascara running. Hair a mess. On your knees in that dress. You’re fucking beautiful, Fi.”

It was the “beautiful” that almost broke her. People say all sorts of things when they are fucking around. But the way he said it slipped a kind of notion into her heart. She felt he meant way more than just her physical beauty. Caught up in his words, his rhythm, the wild look in his eyes, she began to leak emotional tears as well as gag-reflex tears.

“I’m about to come, angel. Take it out if you want. Oh fuck!”

The gentleness and politeness despite his powerful, gruff exterior made her not only willing to take all of it in her mouth, but made her demand it. She swallowed every drop as he pulsed inside her, making sure he watched.

The only thing more wonderful to her than watching his face while she drank him down was what he did for her afterward. Before she knew what was happening, she was up in his arms and being set down on the bathroom counter and handed a glass of water. After that, he demanded to know what products she needed to remove her eye makeup. Fiona walked him through her entire nighttime ritual, and he followed like a champ, gently cleaning her up and applying all the right lotions and potions, fetching all the things as needed from her vanity in the bedroom.

How many times in one night could she have said, “No one’s ever done this for me before”?

This is just a date, Fi. One and done.

This refrain she repeated to herself again and again as he helped her pull the dress off over her head. And as he bathed her in the shower, drawing out a shattering climax from her with his sensuous mouth on her pulsing pussy and aching clit. And again as he carried her to the bed like a goddamn bride and covered her with kisses until they were both utterly spent.

Just one date, Fi. That’s all he agreed to. Don’t get too cozy.

Chapter Fourteen


* * *

Fiona sashayed into her room on Sunday morning carrying a newspaper and a hot cup of coffee and a jelly donut on a doily on a plate.

The sight of this angel in a flowing bathrobe carrying food, coffee, and a newspaper for him made his heart race. He immediately forgot what he was supposed to be doing and went to her to help her set the tray down on a fancy coffee table in a sitting area of her room.

“You didn’t have to,” he said. How dare he compare her family to the ruling crime family of Newcastle? Look at her. She was the same perfect creature who had captured him in the alley the other night. She had a good heart. She cared about him, and she hadn’t even flinched when he’d told her he’d served time, nor the reason for his conviction.

None of this extravagance had been about her choices.

“I wanted to snag the paper anyway.” She spread the paper out on the bed and opened it to page six. “Look! It worked! They ate it up!”

Levi looked to where she was pointing. There he was, dolled up in a pinstripe suit, looking like a goddamn penguin from the Batman movie, and there was Fiona. She looked like a movie star, one of those Hollywood darlings dating a scruffy-looking dude who’s about three tiers below her on the food chain and everyone wonders what street corner she might have picked him up from.

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