Pandora's Pleasure - Vanessa Fewings Page 0,90

his way.

My wrists were smarting from their metal bindings above and deliciously sore. I felt totally enraptured by this game, this flawless aura that had me obsessed with this spectacle.

I’m here.

Part of the play.

From behind me, Damien’s strong hands positioned me to bend a little so that my ass came up. I heard the sound of his zipper coming undone, and felt eager for what came next. I rose onto my tiptoes, balancing in high heels. There came the glide of his cock along my crack, moving lower until it grazed my wetness, the tip nudging my pussy. I tipped my hips eager for that first thrust, and gasped as he buried deep. His hands controlled the thrusts that came hard and fast—a furious pounding.

Two couples fucking in front of each other…our echoes mingling, the scent of sandalwood and raw carnal pleasures as we romanced each other with our dark fetishes. Our perfect coupling made me high.

My orgasm was expertly held off as, on and on, euphoria stole my breath and held me suspended. The pleasure became blinding when Damien’s fingers reached around and flicked my clit to enhance his fucking.

I was only able to stand due to the metal binds that held me secure. I felt him withdraw, leaving me feeling bereft, my cry of need drawing attention our way. But then his slick cock slid back to rest against my puckered hole.

“Ready?” he said huskily.

He’d be slick from my soaking wet pussy, I knew that, but this was new and though he’d prepared me with his bejeweled toys my heart still skipped a beat at how it might feel.

My master was already there…he pushed the tip of his cock in, invading that space, bringing the sensation of fullness with his invasion, causing my thighs to tremble as he impaled me.

Muscles within gripped him tight as a detonation of pleasure burst inside me, my pussy jealous of his cock and the intense sensations that kept unfurling.

I slowly rocked my hips with him behind me, wedged deep, as his erection glided in and out until all I knew were us and them…and the space between.

His warmth entered me suddenly, his body going stiff against me as he came, his arm around my waist holding me still so he could ride out his climax.

I want to stay like this forever…

Leaning forward, dangling from cuffs, my thighs spread wider for balance as he let go. My breathing was ragged and I was feeling awestruck by what we’d done, a stark beatitude rising as though this was our church and we were the worshiped ones…our sex as primal as it was sacred.

My soft sighs filled the room.

He untied me and I fell against him, needing a few minutes to just be, to breathe. No words were needed because all we’d wanted was this moment of no barriers between us—a dark evening to cherish.

Damien gathered my dress and panties and led me into an adjoining bathroom. Both of us nurtured each other as we made ourselves ready. He tenderly washed away the remnants of our adventurous lovemaking.

As he helped me dress, our eyes locked, and still no words were necessary.

We walked back out into the hallway and descended the stairs, swapping knowing glances with each other. Sated, we searched out refreshments to quench our thirst.

Damien hunted down some champagne and we toasted to my first time here.

“I want more,” I admitted.

“What do you want to see?”

“Another submissive,” I said softly. “I want to see my future.”

Raising his mask a little—and mine too—he brought me in for a leisurely kiss, his tongue tangling with mine, his lips forceful and unforgiving—as though punishing me for my insatiable need for more erotica.

With our masks pulled back down, we were ready to proceed.

“This way,” said Damien, leading me on.

Soon, we would leave this place never to return and for the first time I knew the sacrifice Damien had made. His true nature was being twisted this way and that until nothing was going to be left of his private life.

“Back home,” I said, walking beside him, “wherever we go, we’ll create a place where we can be us.”

His eyes showed understanding. “This is why I adore you.”

“Teach me everything.”

Damien gestured down a long corridor. “This is a good place to start.”

Beneath the dim lighting and between the tight walls we made our way down into what felt like the heart of the manor.

I saw recognition on Damien’s face as he greeted another butler. “Giles.”

Giles gave a low bow. Copyright 2016 - 2024