Pandora's Box - Eve Newton Page 0,53

her attractive, not in the sex sense. She’s got a face you can look at, which is saying a lot down here. But her feisty attitude, the fact that she is smitten with Annie and her sass is a good package for our Queen. I can see why she swung the other way on this one.

“What can I say?” I chuckle. “I’m a sucker for punishment.”

She laughs back. “You don’t say. You’re staying?”

“Yeah. I have a feeling that the crash will be pretty steep after this high,” I say, the worry of that making my face go dark.

“Hmm,” she murmurs. “I will stay too.”

“Actually, would you go and tell the others that the meeting is fucked. We’ll have to catch up later.”

She hesitates, her lips pressed together, but then says, “Sure.” She swirls back out.

I don’t feel bad for making her go. I’m here. I’ve been here since Annie started her revenge on Leviathan. I want to be here for her when she burns out. By the sounds of it, it will be quite soon.

Her voice has changed. She is back in her human form and Killian is murmuring to her. I take that as my cue to duck into the cavern.

I walk steadily past the two huge firecubes and swallow as my mouth has gone dry. Sid said something about these being used as her ninth circle. Hearing what she did to Leviathan, I have to wonder who the fuck is in the other one and what they did to the Demon Queen to deserve it.

“Is she okay?” I croak out. The air in here is full of ash and brimstone. I can see it.

“No,” Killian says, sweeping her up into his arms to cradle her gently. “She is worn out.”

“Crashed, I get it.”

“Something like that,” he mutters, giving me a scrutinizing glare. “You stayed?”

“I did,” I say, glaring back at him.

“You heard?”

“Oh, yeah,” I inform him.

He doesn’t seem overly concerned about that, so I don’t say any more. I really wish I’d seen what Xavi had. Perhaps she will have to explain it to me in graphic detail. I doubt very much that I’ll get anything out of Killian.

My eyes drop to Annie, limp in Killian’s arms. “Has she passed out?” I ask, going to her and stroking her hair.

“Yes,” Killian says. “Don’t get any ideas.”

My eyes flick back up to his. “What are you talking about?”

He sneers at me. “I know about the darkness inside you, Necro. Don’t think for a second that you will get your hands on her in this state.”

I balk at him, insulted. “Fuck you, arsehole,” I snarl at him. “What the fuck do you think I am?”

“I know that you wanted her held down while you fucked her. I also know that she enjoyed it and has probably asked you to take it to the next level, however that may work. Something to do with her powerless body, maybe?”

I growl at him. How the fuck does he know that? Annie whispered that to me. The other men didn’t hear it. I know they didn’t. They would’ve had something to say, no doubt.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say stiffly. It’s not up to me to tell him what Annie said to me in a private moment. If she wants him to know, she can tell him herself. Something tells me though, she doesn’t or she would have.

His sneer deepens, curling his lip up at me. “Like I said, I know about the darkness in you,” he says and then with a bolt of lightning, he vanishes with Annie.

I grimace and follow them, knowing he’ll have taken her to her bedroom.

I’m right.

He is tucking her up in bed when I get there.

He ignores me for a minute, but then he stalks over to me and grabs my arm. He hauls me out of the bedroom and drags me down the hallway to mine.

I can’t stop him. I’m about a foot shorter than him for a start and nowhere near his level of power.

He kicks the door open and shoves me inside. “I told you, you aren’t going anywhere near her.”

“I don’t fuck unconscious bodies,” I snarl at him, thoroughly affronted by his insinuation.

“No?” he asks. “You want them awake but completely still? Or is it the dead you prefer to stick your dick into?”

My hands clench into two fists that are aching to beat the shit out of him. Sadly, I would lose that fight. But it doesn’t fucking stop Copyright 2016 - 2024