Pandora's Box - Eve Newton Page 0,32

me, Princess.”

“Knew you’d say that,” she grouses, but then smiles. At least I am off the hook. “Thank you for helping him.”

“Anything for you,” I murmur and cup her face.

I bend down to kiss her, lapping up her deliciousness, and pushing her back against the wall underneath her parent’s portrait.

She giggles and looks up. “I’m dirty, but not that dirty,” she snorts.

I smile at her. “I need you,” I murmur. “Ever since Killian branded you, I’m feeling a bit…lost.”

“What?” she asks with a frown. “Don’t be ridiculous. It doesn’t mean anything. It was tit for tat, that’s all.”

I glare darkly at her. “That brings me to the brand that you gave him.”

She returns my glare. “Do you want me to brand you?” she asks.

“Yes,” I murmur to her surprise. “I want the whole of Hell to know that I belong to you.”

“Oh!” she moans, closing her eyes in bliss. “You are perfect, you know that.”

I grin to myself. I knew that she would cream herself over that. I’d known as soon as I saw what she did to Killian that I’d ask her, and I also know the others won’t be far behind with this thought. Seems I got to her first, as I’d hoped.

“Perfect for you,” I mutter.

“That you are. You make my blood tingle,” she purrs.

I give her a surprised look. “I do?”

She giggles again, looking down shyly. It’s fucking adorable. “Yeah, you always have. It’s why I kept you around. You and me…we’re connected somehow.”

“That’s why you kept me around?” I ask, put out. “I thought it was because I got you off like no other?”

“That too,” she laughs at my insecurity. “My body responds to you.”

“I love you,” I blurt out. “I don’t expect you to say it back, but I need you to know every day how I feel about you.”

A cloud passes over her face. “That brings me to something that I need to say.”

“If it’s about Xavier, then I am way ahead of you.”

We lock eyes for a brief moment before she says stiffly, “Go on.”

I sigh. “I know that your intention is to bring her into our circle. I need you to know that I won’t be affected by her.”

“Meaning?” she growls at me.

I glare at her. “You know what I am, Anna. You must’ve thought about it.”

“I have,” she says quietly. “I don’t feel that I have much to be concerned about, but that is more down to her than you.”

“Ouch,” I growl back at her. “That’s not fair, Anna.”

“I know, but I can’t help that.”

“I told you that I will never be with another female again and that remains the truth. Whether Xavi is here or not doesn’t change that. At all. I love you. You have always been the one, Anna. Another female here won’t affect me, I can assure you. I have absolutely no interest in her and I never will.”


Then she grins at me. “I know. I was only messing. I trust you, Dres.”

Bitch. She was testing me.

I laugh. “You are infuriating.”

“I know. Look, I know that having Xavi here is unexpected. I know that having only males here will be easier for you, but that’s not how it’s panned out. She gives me a big part of what I want. She is staying, just so that is absolutely clear. If you did ever develop feelings for her, and don’t insult me by denying that you might. Forever is a long time, Dres. I’m being practical. If you ever did develop feelings for her. Tell me the second you suspect, please. That’s all I ask. I’m pretty sure that she will never touch any of you, but I want to know about you. Okay?”

I grimace at her. “I agree that I will tell you if the Incubus in me requires more. We have already had this discussion. However, I will point out – again – that other females don’t do it for me anymore. I will expand on that to stress that they don’t affect me at all.” I give her this ass backwards information and hope that she doesn’t make me say it in actual words.

She presses her lips together as she takes that in and then she struggles not to laugh in my face.

“Are you being serious?” she snickers.

I grit my teeth. “Yes,” I spit out. “Are you happy now? Secure in the knowledge that I won’t fuck around?”

“Quite!” she exclaims and laughs so loudly, I feel like disappearing into the floor.

“You are a bitch, Copyright 2016 - 2024