The Pagan Stone Page 0,95

a bitch?"

"In police custody." With his arm snug around Layla, Fox climbed the steps to the deck. "Getting his broken arm treated and being booked on a nice variety of charges. Christ, I want a beer."

A short time later, dry, a beer in hand, Fox filled them in. "At first I was just irritated, started to get out of the truck, pop the hood. Then I remembered what Gage and Cybil had seen, which is why I had my trusty Louisville Slugger under the seat."

"Thank God," Layla breathed, then turned her head to press her lips to his healed arm.

"I had nearly a full tank, and I'd had the truck tuned up a couple weeks ago, so I focused on the engine."

"You know zero about engines," Gage pointed out.

Fox shot up his middle finger. "Sugar in the gas tank. Engine'll run for a couple miles or so, then it coughs up and dies. Now my truck's DOA."

"That's urban myth." Cal gestured with his own beer. "It sounds like the sugar got through, clogged your fuel filter or your injectors, and that's what stopped your engine. You just need your mechanic to change the filters a few times, and drop the tank, clean it out. Cost you a couple hundred."

"Really? That's it? But I thought-"

"You're questioning MacGyver?" Gage asked him.

"Lost my head for a minute. Anyway, I got the sabotage, and it wasn't a stretch to who. I just angled myself with the bat behind me when Napper showed up."

"With a gun," Layla added.

Fox squeezed her hand. "Bullets bounce off me. Almost. And we think of it this way. Napper's going to be behind bars and out of our hair. I was prepared because of Gage and Cybil, so instead of lying by the side of the road, I'm sitting here. It's all good."

"Positive," Cybil said. "A positive outcome, and one more in the plus column for us. That's important. Over and above the fact our Fox is sitting here, he was able to turn a potentially negative outcome into a positive one. Destiny has more than one road."

"I'm real happy to be off the road for the moment. In other news..." Fox told them about the progress at the farm. He grinned over at Quinn when she yawned. "Boring you?"

"No. Sorry. I guess it's part of the baby thing."

"What baby thing?"

"Oh God, we didn't tell you. With all the bullets bouncing off you and Porta Potties, we forgot. I'm pregnant."

"What? Seriously? I'm busy getting shot and digging latrines, and the next thing I know we're having a baby." He pushed out of the chair to cross over and kiss her, then punched Cal in the shoulder. "Take the woman to bed. Obviously you know how."

"He does, but I can get myself there. And I think I will." Rising, Quinn laid her hands on Fox's cheeks. "Welcome home."

"I'll be right up." Cal got to his feet. "We could all use some sleep. We didn't get very far with the link, being rudely interrupted. Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow," Gage agreed.

"I think I'll go up, too." Cybil stepped over to Fox, kissed him. "Nice work, cutie."

She heard Quinn's laugh as she passed Cal's bedroom door, and smiled. Talk about positive energy, she thought. Q had always had it in abundance. Now, it would likely be pouring off her like light. And light was just what they needed.

She was a little tired herself, Cybil admitted. She supposed they all were, with the bombarding dreams and restless nights. Maybe she'd try a little yoga, or a warm bath, something to soothe her system into relaxation.

Gage came up behind her, and as she started to glance back, he took her hips, turned her. He moved her back against the door to close it, held her there.

"Well, hello."

His hands moved from her hips to her wrists, then drew her arms over her head. The system she'd thought to relax went on high alert. Braced for, anticipating the demand she saw in his eyes, she could only sigh when his mouth descended to hers. Then could only tremble when instead of demand there was tenderness.

Soft, quiet, the kiss soothed even as it aroused. While his hands held hers prisoner, adding an excited kick to her heartbeat, his mouth took its time exploring and exploiting hers. She sank into the pleasure of it, with a purr in her throat when he cuffed her wrists with one hand and stroked her body with the other.

The light, almost delicate touch stirred desire in her Copyright 2016 - 2024