The Pagan Stone Page 0,85

factor. Twisse is hurt, but it won't stay that way. We don't know how long we have before it comes back. If you think this is a defense, then let's put up the shield now."

"Cyb, you researched blood rituals inside and out before our last trip to the Pagan Stone. You know we can do this." Quinn looked around the table. "We know we can do it."

"We need words, and-"

"I'll handle it." Quinn pushed to her feet. "Writing under pressure is one of my best things. Set it up, and give me five," she added before she walked into the house.

"Well." Cybil blew out a breath. "I guess it's here and now."

She scouted through Cal's gardens for specific flowers and herbs, and continued to snip when Gage crossed the lawn to her. They stood in the wash of moonlight.

"Making a bouquet?"

"Candles, herbs, flowers, words, movements." She moved a shoulder. "Maybe they're trappings, maybe they're largely symbolic, but I believe in symbols. They're a sign of respect, if nothing else. Anytime you shed blood, anytime you ask a higher power for a favor, it should be with respect."

"You're a smart woman, Cybil."

"I am."

He took her arm, held it until she'd turned to face him. "If this works, it's because you were smart enough to put it together."

"If it doesn't?"

"It won't be because of the lack of brainpower."

"Are you seducing me by flattering my mind?"

"No." He smiled, trailed a finger over her cheek. "I'll seduce you by clouding your mind. I'm telling you this is going to work."

"Optimism? From you?"

"You're not the only one who's looked into rites and rituals. I've spent a lot of the time I'm away from here looking into those areas. Some of it's show. But some? It's faith and respect, and it's truth. It's going to work because between the six of us, we cover those bases. It's going to work because it's not just my blood, not just antibodies and science. Your tears are in me now. I felt them. So whatever I brought back, part of it's you. Get your symbols, and let's do this thing."

She stood where she was when he walked away, stood in the moonlight with flowers in her hands, and closed her eyes. Close her heart? she thought. Get over him? No, no, not if she lived a dozen lifetimes.

It was life, Ann Hawkins had told her. The joy and the pain. It was time to accept she'd have to feel both.

They lighted the candles, and sprinkled the flowers and herbs over the ground where Gage had fallen. Over them, in the center of the circle they formed, Quinn laid the photograph she'd taken of them. All six of them linked-hands or arms-with the big dog leaning adoringly against Cal's leg.

"Nice touch," Cybil commented, and Quinn smiled.

"I thought so. I kept the words simple. Pass it around," she suggested.

Cybil took the page first, and read. "You do good work." She passed it to Gage, and so the words went from hand to hand. "Everybody got it?"

Gage took Cal 's Boy Scout knife, skimmed the blade across his palm. Cal took the knife, mirrored the gesture. As with the words, the knife passed from hand to hand.

And they spoke together as hands clasped, and blood mixed.

"Brother to brother, brother to sister, lover to lover. Life to life for the then, for the now, for the to be. Through faith, through hope, in truth. With blood and tears to shield light from black. Brother to brother, brother to sister, lover to lover."

Though there was no wind, the candle flames swayed and rose higher. Cal crouched. "Friend to friend," he said and taking Lump's paw, scored a shallow cut. Lump stared, dark eyes full of trust as Cal closed his hand over the cut. "Sorry, pal." He straightened, shrugged. "I couldn't leave him out."

"He's part of the team." Quinn bent, picked up the photograph. "I don't feel any different, but I believe it worked."

"So do I." Layla crouched to gather up the flowers and herbs. "I'm going to put these in water. It just... seems like the right thing to do."

"It's been a good day." Fox took Layla's hand, brushed his lips over her palm. "I've got one thing to say. Who wants cake?"

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

BECAUSE IT WAS A QUIET PLACE WHERE THE THREE of them could meet in private, Gage and Fox joined Cal in his office in the bowling center. Time was ticking by. Gage could all but feel the days Copyright 2016 - 2024