The Pagan Stone Page 0,72

sent Napper spoke volumes. "So I see. Need a lawyer, Gage?"

"Looks like. Why don't you have Fox meet me at the police station."

"I said you drive on!" Once again Napper's hand went to the butt of his weapon. "Or do you want me to arrest you for interfering with an officer?"

"You always were a nasty little prick. I'll call Fox, Gage." She pulled her car to the shoulder, staring at Napper as she took out her cell phone.

On an oath, Napper pushed Gage in the back of the cruiser. Gage saw his eyes latch on to the rearview as he got behind the wheel. And saw the fury in them as Joanne followed the cruiser into town, and all the way to the police station.

Gage's first twinge of fear came when both Joanne and Napper stepped out of their cars at the station, and he himself was locked inside the cruiser. No, no, he thought, witnesses here, too. Napper wouldn't lay a hand on her and if he did...

But he saw only a brief exchange of words before Napper unlocked the backseat and hauled him out. Joanne marched straight inside, skirted Dispatch with a "Hey, Carla," for the woman who sat there, then clipped to chief of police Wayne Hawbaker's office. "I need to file a complaint against one of your deputies, Wayne. And you need to come out here, now."

Just look at her, Gage thought. Wasn't she something?

Hawbaker came out, looked from Joanne to Gage to Napper. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"I tagged this individual for speeding, reckless driving. I suspected he was driving under the influence. He refused to take a Breathalyzer, resisted, and took a swing at me."


"Joanne," Hawbaker said quietly. "Gage?"

"I'll cop to the speeding. I was about five over the limit. Joanne gave you the rest. It's bullshit."

Hawbaker's steady stare gave nothing away. "You been drinking?"

"I had a beer about ten o'clock last night. That's, what, about twelve hours ago?"

"He was driving erratically. Had an open container in the car."

"I wasn't driving erratically, and the open container was a goddamn go-coffee from Sheetz. Your boy here baited me, manhandled me, rabbit-punched me, cuffed me, and suggested we take a ride before he brought me in."

Red flags of fury rode Napper's cheeks. "He's a lying sack."

"My car's on the side of the road," Gage continued in the same even tone. "Just before Blue Mountain Lane, in front of a two-story redbrick house, white shutters, front garden. White Toyota hatchback in the driveway, Maryland vanity license plate reads Jenny4. Nice-looking brunette was out front gardening and saw it go down. You ought to check it out." He looked back at Napper now, smiled easily. "You're not very observant for a cop."

"That'd be Jenny Mullendore." Hawbaker studied Napper's face. Whatever he saw in it had his jaw tightening. Before he could speak, Fox pushed through the door.

"Quiet," he said, pointing a finger at Gage. "Why is my client in handcuffs?" he demanded.

"Derrick, uncuff him."

"I'm booking him on the aforesaid charges, and-"

"I said uncuff him. We're going to sit down and hash this out now."

Napper whirled on his chief. "You're not standing by me?"

"I want to speak to my client," Fox interrupted. "In private."

"Fox." Hawbaker dragged his hands over his bristly, graying hair. "Give me a minute here. Derrick, did you strike Gage?"

"Hell, no. I had to take him in hand when he resisted."

"Is that what Jenny Mullendore's going to tell me when I ask her?"

Napper's eyes went to furious slits. "I don't know what she's going to tell you. For all I know she's screwing him and she'll say any damn thing."

"You're quite the lover, Gage," Joanne said with a smile. "According to Deputy Napper, I'm screwing you, too."

Fox rounded on Napper, and currently cuffed, Gage could only body-bump him back. "What did you say to my mother?"

"Don't worry." Knowing her son, Joanne stepped forward, took a firm grip on his arm. "I'm filing a complaint. He told me to fuck off when I followed him in, and I followed him in because I saw him shoving Gage, who was already handcuffed. He suggested that I put out for Gage, and half the men in town."

"Jesus Christ, Derrick."

"She's lying."

"Everyone's lying but you." Gage shook his head. "That must be tough. If these cuffs aren't off in the next five seconds, I'm authorizing my attorney to file a civil suit against the deputy, and the Hawkins Hollow police department."

"Uncuff him. Now, Deputy! Carla." Chief Hawbaker turned to the Copyright 2016 - 2024