The Pagan Stone Page 0,23

burn the place down." Gage shrugged. "Often all of the above."

"Maybe there's a way to block it, or at least weaken it." Layla slid off her chair to sit on the floor beside Fox. "It's energy, right? And energy that feeds on, or at least seems to prefer, negative emotions. Anger, fear, hate. At every Seven, or the approach of one, it targets birds and animals first-smaller brains, less intellect than humans. And it recharges on that, then moves, usually, to people who're under some influence. Alcohol, drugs, or those emotions again. Until it's stronger."

"It's coming out stronger this time," Cal pointed out. "It's already moved past animals, and was able to infect Block Kholer to the point he nearly beat Fox to death."

As Layla took Fox's hand, Cybil considered. "That was target specific, and it wasn't able to infect the chief of police when he got there and dragged Block off. Target specific might be another advantage."

"Unless you're the target," Fox pointed out. "Then it seriously sucks."

Cybil smiled at him. "True enough. It doesn't just feed off hate, it hates. Us especially. As far as we know, everything it's done or been able to do since February targets one of us, or the group as a whole."

She set her notebook on the arm of the sofa. "It's expending a lot of energy to scare us, hurt us. That's a thought I had today when it had me trapped in here. Well, before it went dark and I wasn't so cocky. That it was using up energy. Maybe we can taunt it into using more. It's stronger, yes, and it's getter stronger yet, but anytime it puts on a big show, there's a lull afterward. It's still recharging. And while there might not be a way to block or weaken it, there might be a way to divert it. If it's aiming at us, its ability to infect the Hollow may be diminished."

"I'm pretty sure I can state categorically it's been aimed at us plenty, and still managed to wreak havoc in the Hollow."

Cybil nodded at Fox. "Because you've always been in the Hollow trying to save lives, fight it off."

"What choice do we have?" Cal demanded. "We can't leave people unprotected."

"I'm suggesting they might not need as much protection if we were able to draw it away."

"How? And where?"

"How might be a challenge," Cybil began.

"But where would be the Pagan Stone. Tried that," Gage continued. "Fourteen years ago."

"Yes, I've read that in Quinn's notes, but-"

"Do you remember our last trip there?" Gage asked her. "That was a walk on the beach compared to getting through Hawkins Wood anywhere close to the Seven."

"We made it that time, two Sevens ago. Barely," Fox added. "We thought maybe we could stop it by repeating the ritual at the same time, the same place. Midnight, our birthday-the dawn of the Seven, so to speak. Didn't work, obviously. By the time we got back to town, it was bad. One of the worst nights of this ever."

"Because we weren't here to help anyone," Cal finished. "We'd left the town unprotected. How can we risk that again?"

Cybil started to speak, then decided to let it go for now. "Well, back to the bloodstone then. That's one of the new elements on our side of the scoreboard. I've got some avenues I'm exploring. And was about to push a little deeper earlier today when I was so rudely interrupted. I'll get back on that tomorrow. I was also going to suggest, if you're up for it, Gage, that you and I try what Cal and Quinn have, and Fox and Layla."

"You want to have sex? Always up for it."

"That's so sweet, but I was staying on topic and speaking of combining abilities. We have past." She gestured to Cal and Quinn. "We have now, with Fox and Layla. You and I see forward. Maybe it's time to find out if we see further, or clearer, together."

"I'm game if you are."

"How about tomorrow then? I'll drive out to Cal 's, maybe about one."

"Ah, about that." Cal cleared his throat. "After today, I think we have to limit solo time as much as possible. Nobody should be staying here or at my place alone at night, for one thing. We can split that up, so there's at least two-better three-in one place. And during the day, we should use the buddy system whenever possible. You shouldn't drive out to my place alone, Cybil."

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